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Prosecution/law enforcement request for greatest penalty (three options)



Dear {District Attorney, Honorable, Officer}

I have learned of an extremely disturbing and malicious case of animal cruelty in which {person} deliberately caused the suffering and death of {a dog named). This alleged incident occurred on {Friday, April 23}, in the city of {Fox Island}.

Please allow me to elaborate. Our global communities share laws, moral and written, and when one person demonstrates such a gross lack of respect for both, our societies must react with concern for the innocent and potential victims, who include both non-human and human animals. It is our obligation to protect them from both manufactured and intrinsic cruelty, and although the distinction is often difficult to identify, the effect is not, and our priority is the innocent, in this case {the dog}. Nobody possesses such heightened intuitive ability to determine the thoughts of another, but past behaviours are potentially indicative of future actions, and his callous disregard, so easily adopted as demonstrated by his unprovoked and (potentially) lethal behaviour, needs to be regarded rather than dismissed.

Please respect the victims by penalizing the guilty and demonstrate your commitment to justice, responsibility, and integrity, attributes unquestionably necessary in an {academic/law enforcement} setting: rejecting cruelty by maintaining an unyielding position towards it would be a model for all community members and would serve to characterize this type of behaviour as both impermissible and punishable.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent issue.



Dear {District Attorney, Honorable, Officer},

It has come to my attention that a gross case of animal cruelty has occurred in {city}; {Person} allegedly and with malice caused the intentional death of {a cat} by {method}. After a review of this case and developing a better idea of the situation, I find it necessary to voice my concern along with an ever-growing national collective who share my disbelief and outrage regarding the utter depravity displayed in this case. I therefore respectfully request an investigation be immediately initiated to gather evidence surrounding the deliberate killing of {cat} and that the most severe penalty be pursued as well.

Although not required, I do feel it important to validate my concerns: when I try to imagine what possible motive animal abusers entertain for subjecting their animal victims to such malicious, heinous acts of brutality, I fail, but I am thankful for a lack of cognitive understanding and rationalization. To engage in such malevolent behaviour absolutely suggests sociopathic and sadistic tendencies and demonstrates an incontrovertible lack of morality regarding other living beings and a gross disrespect for the law. In fact, a person who shows such a remarkable lack of compassion towards animals has, disturbingly enough, the ability to show such indifference towards humans. This link between animal and human abuse has been established, and if we excuse or ignore {cat’s} violent killing, we would be serving an injustice to both animals and society.

It is my prediction that you may scoff at this message, disregarding it as the exaggerated rhetoric and embellished rantings of an animal rights activist. However, I have no motive, no potential financial gain, no physical profit, no commercial advantage; indeed, my only focus is to protect the innocent, sentient animals you apparently regard as mere sacrificial, expendable beings, objectified and disposable. This is a dangerous position and an absolute example of unprincipled endeavors and immoral behaviours. When animals are subjected to such brutality with no human accountability, our society inaccurately concludes that animals are not worthy of empathy, compassion, or rights. We become desensitized to the issue of animal abuse, and our children learn troubling lessons that are contrary to respect of and towards animals, which often evolves into a lack of empathy for humans. We must do everything in our power to allocate necessary resources to investigation, apprehension, and prosecution of animal cruelty cases. I understand that yours can be a challenging position, limited by vague and inadequate laws as well as insufficient funds; however, we are intelligent people with loud voices and tireless determination, and I believe we can make a difference or initiate change to better protect our animal friends. Please proceed with the most severe penalties and examine where existing legal mandates may be rewritten to address the current inadequacy of such.

Thank you for your time and attention to this urgent issue.



Dear {District Attorney, Honorable, Officer},

I have learned of extremely disturbing and malicious cases of animal cruelty allegedly committed by {person} and I am writing to express my support of sentencing this defendant to the maximum penalty allowed under the law. {Person} has allegedly committed deliberate and methodical abuse and torture on animals (where, when). It is essential to recognize that {person’s} decision to harm these gentle, innocent non-human animals was premeditated as demonstrated by the chronicle of events. {Person’s} alleged crimes include {what was done}.

When I try to imagine what possible motive animal abusers entertain for subjecting their animal victims to such malicious, heinous acts of brutality, I fail, but I am thankful for a lack of cognitive understanding and rationalization. To voluntarily engage in such malicious behaviour suggests sadistic tendencies, and {person’s} actions, causing unmitigated pain and suffering, demonstrates his incontrovertible lack of morality regarding other living beings and a gross disrespect for the law. In fact, a person who shows such a remarkable lack of compassion towards non-human animals has the ability to show such indifference towards human animals. This link between animal and human abuse has been established, and if we excuse {person’s} criminal behaviour, or agree to a lesser punishment, we only harm ourselves by unjustly nullifying cruelty as acceptable behaviour.

I as well as global contingent of millions of concerned people are hoping that you will take an unyielding position against animal cruelty and hold {person} accountable by sentencing him in accordance with the maximum penalty allowed. If the justice system does not administer the harshest penalty available, it is indeed excusing {person’s} malicious behaviour towards sentient beings, and to excuse this type of sadistic cruelty harms all by disregarding the basic moral tenet of respecting life and appreciating the value of it. Apathy permeates throughout society and damages all, and we therefore need to teach our children that the law does not excuse, allow, or enable cruelty against human or non-human animals. We need to demonstrate in both word and action that the human essence of empathy does not exist to excuse maliciousness, it exists to provide compassion and justice to the brutalized and punishment to those who willingly deviate from this capacity. If we do not do our duty to provide this, we harm animals and invite injustice into our society.

I know your time is limited and I want to thank you for your attention and consideration.


17 Comments leave one →
  1. Westie permalink
    August 5, 2010 11:43 am

    Pas de libération conditionnelle pour Juan Daniels;Cet homme est un monstre qui tuera un jour un être humain.Laissez-le en prison s’il vous plaît


  2. August 5, 2010 11:56 am



  3. michelle morel permalink
    August 5, 2010 3:02 pm

    leave him to rot in there prison he deserve it or worst

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sallie Murphy permalink
    August 7, 2010 12:50 am

    Why is he eligible for parole after serving less than one quarter of his penalty? To revoke three quarters of his time is to overturn the judge’s sentence. Parole should be out of the question for this felon until he has served at least half his time.

    Class C Felonies: Not less than one (1) year and one (1) day and not more than ten (10) years imprisonment in the state penitentiary, and may include a fine not to exceed $5,000.


  5. Karen Cook permalink
    October 26, 2010 7:54 pm

    I live in Atlanta, GA and the sad thing is, I see this kind of thing happen constantly among poor areas where people are uneducated (stupid) and don’t value life. And they’re also the ones who are breeding (amongst themselves) the most, creating more stupid, violent people, who don’t give a shit about themselves or any other living creatures. I see them smack their toddlers around Walmart, and I’ve liberated MANY of their dogs, so they wouldn’t be beaten, starved or die. I just found two dogs left in a house in a scummy neighborhood the other day — they had been there for about a week w/o food. I’m not sure what the solution is.


  6. October 27, 2010 7:05 am

    We all need to speak up on a global united front against the abuse & suffering of this defenseless dog & all of our animal furry friends we all need to be the human voices to speak up against the sadistic cruelty & provide justice for all of our abused & neglected animal furry friends & increase the penalty prison time to 10 years anything less will be unacceptable & these sadistic animal abusers need this length of prison time to hopefully change there ways & never reoffend & take out there anger out on defenseless animals that can’t defend for themselves. These animal abusers if not given this long of a prison sentence usually in every situation reoffend & the justice system needs to come down like a tonne of bricks & the longer the prison time on these animal abusers who inflict such agony & neglect on a living creature are inhuman & pure evil & this sentence time should always be handed down.


  7. October 28, 2010 4:37 am

    I am so upset having read the story about this poor defenceless little dog that survived through all odds-having been starved, tied to a tree etc. This is a terrible thing to do & people who abuse animals or children or any form of life should be severely punished.This is something that needs the law to sentence these terrible individuals who do these atrocities to severely punish for acts that a norma peron cannot imagine. however, these people are evil 7 know fully what they are doing-they cannot hide behind mental problems or poverty. Just sadists of society!!!!!!


  8. Clare Downes permalink
    October 28, 2010 8:21 am

    This makes me ashamed to be human. These monsters need to be punished.


  9. Suzie clippinger permalink
    October 1, 2014 2:06 pm

    When I try to imagine what possible motive animal abusers entertain for subjecting their animal victims to such malicious, heinous acts of brutality, I fail, but I am thankful for a lack of cognitive understanding and rationalization of them. To voluntarily engage in such malicious behavior suggests sadistic tendencies, such terrible actions, causing unmitigated pain and suffering, demonstrates incontrovertible lack of morality regarding other living beings and a gross disrespect for the law. In fact, a person who shows such a remarkable lack of compassion towards non-human animals has the ability to show such indifference towards human also. This link between animal and human abuse has been established, and if we excuse these kinds of behavior, or agree to a lesser punishment for those who act out such behavior, we only harm ourselves by unjustly nullifying cruelty as acceptable behavior in society.

    We need to demonstrate in both word and action that the human essence of empathy does not exist to excuse maliciousness, it exists to provide responsibility, compassion and justice to the brutalized. It also exists to excersise punishment to those who willingly deviate from this capacity. If we do not do our duty to provide this, we harm animals and invite injustice into our society.


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  1. Your help is needed. No parole for Juan Daniels. « Our Compass
  2. Dog Set on Fire After Being Hung, please write « Our Compass
  3. Revelations behind killing of 19 dogs in Georgia « Our Compass
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  5. Call to Action: Your Voice is Important | Our Compass
  6. Big Time Animal Torturer Nally comes up for parole in April of 2021. Please Take Action To Stop This – Read On. – World Animals Voice

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