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Idaho Wants to Make Wildlife Killing Contests an Annual Event: Please Send Letter to Oppose

August 15, 2014

Wikimedia Commons

Wikimedia Commons



You may recall this past December Idaho held a highly controversial killing contest targeting both wolves and coyotes. This was the first time wolves were targeted in a predator killing contest since their reintroduction.

We have just learned the killing contest sponsor, a group called Idaho for Wildlife, is seeking to repeat this contest over several years, this time not only targeting wolves and coyotes — with prizes awarded for killing the most coyotes and the largest wolf–  but also other predators, in a multi-year “predator derby” scheduled for the next five winters (with the next one scheduled for January 2-4, 2015).

This event would be damaging to the affected ecosystem, harmful to ecologically vital species, incompatible with scientific principles of wildlife management, and offensive to the concept of fair chase, ethical hunting.

Your comments are needed NOW. Urge the BLM to deny Idaho for Wildlife’s request for a special recreation permit that would allow contestants to kill predators on over 3 million acres of public lands in Idaho for the next five years.

The BLM is currently soliciting input from the public on the scope of what should be considered in an Environmental Assessment (EA). The issues identified for analysis in the EA include the impact on economic and social values, the impact on existing recreational uses, and the affect on wildlife habitat and threatened species in the targeted area. Please don’t miss this opportunity to voice your opposition (you do not have to be an Idaho resident to comment as this is federal BLM land- YOUR land!). 


Please act now! More info. here. Comments are due no later than August 18th and can be emailed to:

Liz Townley
Outdoor Recreation Planner

or sent to:

Liz Townley
Outdoor Recreation Planner
Salmon Field Office
1405 Hollipark Drive
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83467

Please cc Project Coyote as we are tracking letters sent (

Please include in your subject line Re: DOI-BLM-ID-I000-2014-0002-EA

Please also include your full contact information so your letter is counted in the official record and address the three areas this scoping document covers:
1- the impact on economic and social values;
2- the impact on existing recreational uses;
3- the affect on wildlife habitat and threatened species in the targeted area.


Re: DOI-BLM-ID-I000-2014-0002-EA


Dear Planner Townley,

I am writing to voice my opposition to  Idaho for Wildlife’s request for a special recreation permit that would allow contestants to kill predators on over 3 million acres of public lands in Idaho for the next five years.  Please do not provide these permits.  Allow me this opportunity to elaborate.

Killing contests have nothing in common with fair chase, ethical hunting. Technology, baiting, and “calling” place wildlife at an even greater and unfair disadvantage. Hunting in winter, when species can be easily tracked in snow and when most animals are working hard to survive contravenes the notion of fair chase. Killing predators, or any wild animal, as part of a ‘contest’ or ‘derby’ is ethically indefensible and ecologically reckless.

Bloodsport contests are conducted for profit, entertainment, prizes and, simply, for the “fun” of killing. No evidence exists showing that predator killing contests control problem animals or serve any beneficial management function. Coyote populations that are not exploited (that is hunted, trapped, or controlled by other means), form stable “extended family” social structures that naturally limit overall coyote populations through defense of territory and the suppression of breeding by subordinate female members of the family group.

The importance of wolves, coyotes and other predators in maintaining order, stability, and productivity in ecosystems has been well documented in peer- reviewed scientific literature. Coyotes provide myriad ecosystem services that benefit humans including their control of rodents and rabbits, which compete with domestic livestock for available forage. As apex predators wolves increase biodiversity and ecological integrity.

With fewer than 700 wolves in Idaho and poaching a common problem, allowing a killing contest of a species just off the endangered species list is reckless, indefensible and counter to sound science.

Economically, a live wolf is worth far more than a dead one. Wolf watching has brought in millions of dollars into Idaho and tourism is a major economic revenue source.

Wildlife killing contests perpetuate a culture of violence and send the message to children that life has little value and that an entire species of animals is disposable.

Wildlife killing contests put non-target animals, companion animals, and people at risk. Domestic dogs are sometimes mistaken for coyotes and wolves.

Although I do not currently reside in Idaho, I would be unwilling to visit should these revolting “contests” continue.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent issue.

Name, Address

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we live in a world that is ruled by hate..
too much killing and bloodshed on
our plates.
if we want peace instead of war.
love instead of fear.
we know what we have to do
and that is very clear.
we must stand up against cruelty
and take the lead.
be kind in words and compassionate
in deeds.
to take another life is not a
sporting event.
to consider it as such is to be part
of our world’s hellish descent.
please look into your hearts
and try to see.
that we need some more humane
in humanity.
thank you for taking the time
to read my poem.
we all pray that you take our
message home.

Karen Lyons Kalmenson

9 Comments leave one →
  1. August 15, 2014 9:21 am

    Will there EVER be an end to Human cruelty towards innocents?

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Emy Will permalink
    August 15, 2014 9:47 am

    Shocking! What a terrible message to give to children 😥

    Liked by 2 people

    • August 15, 2014 11:08 am

      I completely agree. Thanks, Emy.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Karen lyons kalmenson permalink
        August 15, 2014 11:20 am

        And our feces species actually thinks it is superior…..what a sick joke 😦


  3. LINDABADHAM permalink
    August 15, 2014 11:33 am


    Liked by 1 person

  4. August 15, 2014 12:39 pm

    Sent and shared, great well written letter, it’s just so undeserved to be so polite about such a horrific event that we have to beg to stop, it’s all such sick insanity..

    Liked by 1 person

  5. August 15, 2014 12:52 pm

    Reblogged this on Wolf Is My Soul.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. August 16, 2014 3:16 pm

    Sickening. Email sent.


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