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Syria is your problem, too

September 8, 2013
Wikimedia Commons

Wikimedia Commons

By Judy Levy

If Syria gets attacked, the entire world could be vaporized. There is more than one world leader who has an itchy trigger finger.

Could All My Friends Please Sign this Petition To be delivered to: The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama . We do not want a HUGE WW3 just because Prez Obama thinks he has to Punish Assad of Syria. Please Sign & Share

IF the U.S. attacks SYRIA, do you really think that Syria’s Allies are going to sit there chanting OMMMMM.  ?

SYRIA has BIG ALLIES.   Read This.

IF Syria is attacked by the U.S., and IF Syria’s Allies Retaliate with Nuclear War, THEN not only will you have trees and animals to rescue, you will have to watch Trees and Animals suffering from painful Radiation Poisoning.

Please Sign This Petition.  Thank you.

Please Sign & Share

Please take action on the following alerts as well:

Stop the War Machine. A Petition for Peace

Vote No to War on Syria;jsessionid=30B74A76537CD5913355EEBEC66060D1.app252a?pagename=homepage&page=UserAction&id=479

Tell Congress: Don’t Attack Syria

President Barack Obama: Tell us the Truth about Syria. Stop this Violent Proxy War.

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our world is connected,
sadly not by peace.
and peace will never
be attained,
if wars do not cease!

Karen Lyons Kalmenson


11 Comments leave one →
  1. karenlyonskalmenson permalink
    September 8, 2013 11:03 am

    the last time there was world tension and armageddonesque apprehensions in my lifetime was back in the cuba baby of pigs days….

    i will never forget the fear in my parent’s eyes.

    putin is not playing, neither is n korea nor iran.


    • September 8, 2013 11:23 am

      There is fear in my eyes now.


      • karenlyonskalmenson permalink
        September 8, 2013 5:36 pm

        back then, sanity prevailed….and it is inching it’s way on mow


  2. karenlyonskalmenson permalink
    September 8, 2013 11:04 am

    our world is connected,
    sadly not by peace.
    and peace will never
    be attained,
    if wars do not cease!


  3. September 8, 2013 11:10 am

    I absolutely do not want to go do anything else to the Middle East. I think we’ve caused enough problems over there. Many people forget that we have, to a certain extent, supported Assad. Do you not remember how after september 11 we sent some that were grabbed up in the extraordinary rendition to Syria to torture?


  4. Isa4Peace permalink
    September 8, 2013 11:40 am

    That’s right Syria is our problem, If we’re stupid we will die and take everyone one else along if the gov. goes to Syria. It’s horrid what is going on but the US is known for intervening in war which is not ours to deal with and making things worst. How can the gov. guarantee they won’t murderer innocent lives or start a World War III well they can’t! Stay out US! More than half the population is under 17 years old they are still children. 5000 Syrian’s are fleeing daily from their country they are terrified. Negotiations and diplomacy is the only way. Work with the UN. Thank You Judy and Compass.

    In Syria, Obama’s Calculations Reveal Stupidity of US Imperialism

    Stop the War Machine. A Petition for Peace

    Vote No to War on Syria;jsessionid=30B74A76537CD5913355EEBEC66060D1.app252a?pagename=homepage&page=UserAction&id=479

    Tell Congress: Don’t Attack Syria

    President Barack Obama: Tell us the Truth about Syria. Stop this Violent Proxy War.


    • September 8, 2013 3:49 pm

      Thank you so much, Isa. I have signed those additional alerts and will add them to Judy’s post above.


      • Isa4Peace permalink
        September 9, 2013 11:20 am

        Great! Thank You Stacey and Judy!


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