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URGENT: Second Appeal to Ask Neighborhood in Nevada to Ditch Bird Poisoning

July 21, 2012

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Rock Springs One, a homeowners’ association (HOA) in Mesquite, Nevada, is considering the use of notorious poison Avitrol to kill pigeons and other birds living in its neighborhood. PETA informed the management about the cruelty of Avitrol, but to no apparent avail. Reportedly, the HOA is voting on this issue soon!

Lethal methods don’t work and will actually backfire. Whenever birds are killed or removed, a spike in the food supply results, which causes accelerated breeding among survivors and newcomers. Populations then increase! Furthermore, Avitrol is horribly cruel. It causes disorientation, convulsions, and a slow, agonizing death. Pest-control companies often tell clients that Avitrol only “scares birds away,” but this is flatly untrue. And dogs, cats, and “nontarget” wildlife can die after consuming the bodies of poisoned birds.

Please politely urge Rock Springs One HOA officials to refrain from poisoning birds and to stick with humane and effective bird control methods instead.


Trish Hall, President
Colonial Property Management

Tiara Gehl
Provisional Community Manager
Colonial Property Management


Dear President Hall and Provisional Community Manager Gehl,

It has come to my attention that Rock Springs One, a homeowners’ association (HOA) in Mesquite, Nevada, is considering the use of the notorious poison Avitrol to kill pigeons and other birds living in its neighborhood. Please allow me this opportunity to elaborate my protest.

First, these animals are targeted to be killed as a response to private and public objections over their presence, and the use of the poison Avitrol has been chosen as the preferred method of death. This poison is not rapid; in fact, it causes a drawn-out and painful condition that can last for days. Many birds will attempt escape and fly only to be stricken mid-flight to fall to the ground dying upon impact.

Second, this poison can also affect other non-target wild and non-wild animals, including those who maintain an endangered definition.

Third, killing the birds artificially increases food supplies to the remaining birds, the consequence of which is increased reproduction and an ensuing greater bird population. In fact, studies have demonstrated that the continual cycle of seasonal culls is responsible for a rebound, or larger populations, in subsequent years.

As such, I respectfully request that you work with particular groups and citizens to develop alternative, humane solutions to killing these animals. These creatures are sentient and deserve our compassion and respect, not our brutality and violence.

I thank you for your attention to this urgent appeal.

avitrol does not discriminate,
it causes death and pain,
take killing out of your pates.
find another way,
all you have to do is try.
beautiful birds do not deserve
this agonizing way to die

Karen Lyons Kalmenson

21 Comments leave one →
  1. karin yates permalink
    July 22, 2012 3:31 am

    I don’t think alternative killing methods should be encouraged. There are effective methods of discouraging pigeons from roosting on buildings, which I assume is the problem.


  2. karenlyonskalmenson permalink
    July 22, 2012 3:50 am

    avitrol does not discriminate,
    it causes death and pain,
    take killing out of your pates.
    find another way,
    all you have to do is try.
    beautiful birds do not deserve
    this agonizing way to die


    • February 12, 2013 10:24 pm

      I would really like to connect with anyone who can help us rally for Avitrol restrictions in NEVADA. Concerned citizens are DEMANDING to be warned prior to Avitrol being used in out communities. The health risks to our families are too great! We DEMAND to be notified if we live within a 5 mile radius of Avitrol use. We also are DEMANDING companies using Avitrol to require permits.. Help us at or email us at We NEED to educate our communities about the harmful effects of Avitrol and get Avitrol OUT of Nevada,, just like they did in CA, CO, NY and UK


  3. linda badham permalink
    July 22, 2012 3:52 pm



  4. liu wai ling permalink
    July 23, 2012 12:01 pm

    Stop used poisoning to birds, They has right to alive, It was important in the country. Respect our animals life.


  5. July 23, 2012 2:59 pm

    stop the murder. God created these beautiful creatures for a reason. only He can decide when an animal’s life is over.


  6. Jackie Davis permalink
    July 24, 2012 10:02 am

    There are other ways to control unwanted populations. It is easier for these people to kill them with poison rather than humane ways. Using poison is not a viable alternative for all the reasons in the sample email. The other problem is that animals, that are not the intended targets will consume the dead birds, spreading the poison and very likely dying themselves. What short sighted people we have in the world, especially in Mesquite, Nevada.


    • February 12, 2013 10:19 pm

      Youre right Jackie,, Ovocontrol is a safe alternative,, its a birth control for birds.. Our concerns with the Pigeon Poison Avitrol as Pigeon deterrent, is the secondary risk of ingestion. Birds poisoned by Avitrol can travel miles before they drop like bombs from the sky.Birds poisoned by Avitrol can land in back yards miles away and be eaten by domestic pets or other animals. In addition, Pigeons Poisoned by Pigeon Deterrent Avitrol can cause psychological distress to communities. In 2007, office in Washington DC closed due to mass panic of a terrorist attack. We are going to petition and DEMAND permits with the addresses, times and dates where Avitrol is being used. Also, we are DEMANDING to be notified if we are within a 5 mile radius of Avitrol use. Please sign our petition at and email us at if you can help us in your neighborhood,, we NEED YOUR Help!


  7. July 24, 2012 8:56 pm

    Jeeze how frigging bad can the bird be and how hard can it be to simply shoo them away? I swear humanity isnt so humane anymore! I sent my letters and shared this story on fb and care2 where i have tons of friends and fellow animal lovers i know they will all write letters too! Thanks for the demo letter and the info Stacey as always your the best!


  8. February 12, 2013 7:20 pm

    We are forming a coalition in Las Vegas for restriction on Avitrol which include written notice within a 5mi radius of use and a permitting process in order to track the source of the hazardous side effects.. Please visit our site and sign out petition..


  9. February 12, 2013 7:24 pm

    The more we research Avitrol,, the more we begin to realize all the side effects.. Secondary ingestion from pets and endangered animals,,<Miles away from baiting site. in 2007, Washington DC closed offices because of Avitrol use,, offices were fearful of terrorist activity. In Las Vegas we are forming coalitions to DEMAND written notice and permits for Avitrol use within a 5 mi radius of our homes in order to prepare our family and pets of the aftermath… HELP US at http://www.NoAvitrolNevada,com


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