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Heroic Dog Rescues Kittens Left For Dead On Roadside

December 5, 2011

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From Huffington Post

In a heroic story beyond reason, a yellow lab named Reagan made a discovery on an Iowa roadside that saved two precious lives.

Two kittens had been sealed into a bag of Meow Mix, left on a roadside and run over by traffic on a rural Iowa highway about three months ago, reports.

It was Reagan the dog who dragged the bag home and whined until his owner opened it. Reagan’s owner discovered two kittens barely hanging onto life, while the rest of the litter hadn’t survived, prompting a call to the Raccoon Valley Animal Sanctuary.

“There was a litter of four or five of them and you couldn’t tell if there were two or three [in the bag]…they had been run over by a vehicle. It was not a pretty sight,” Linda Blakely of the animal shelter told

The Raccoon Valley Animal Sanctuary is now housing the two kittens — Skipper and Tipper — who weren’t originally expected to live through the ordeal. The two were bottled-fed every two hours and are now back to their normal lively selves, the news outlet reports.

Thanks to Reagan, both kittens are now up for adoption through the Raccoon Valley Animal Sanctuary.

See More:

from our dogs we
learn to feel
how to care
to know what is real
how not to judge
nor to be judged
by man
to live by our hearts
and do the best
we can

Karen Lyons Kalmenson

6 Comments leave one →
  1. December 5, 2011 5:34 pm

    Such a feel good story that we really need to read about today. This is absolutely beautiful. Bless their precious, precious hearts…Thank you dearest Stacey…..xo


    • December 5, 2011 5:55 pm

      I know, I totally agree! I had tears in my eyes, the sweet babes, I completely feel for the foster mom having to get them adopted, it’s easy to want to keep them all! Thanks for sharing, dear Judith. ❤


  2. karen lyons kalmenson permalink
    December 5, 2011 6:36 pm

    from our dogs we
    learn to feel
    how to care
    to know what is real
    how not to judge
    nor to be judged
    by man
    to live by our hearts
    and do the best
    we can


  3. Teri T permalink
    December 7, 2011 1:51 pm

    I hope who ever left the kittens behind to die is prosecuted to the full extent of the law. There is no excuse for abusing animals.


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