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Please protest extremely cruel Guga Hunt, sample message

August 23, 2011

Please protest Guga Hunt using the Sample Letter, but please remember to include the first source sentence and write your name in the appropriate area, thank you.


The Scottish SPCA has renewed its call for the annual guga hunt on the island of Sula Sgeir to be banned.

Scotland’s animal welfare charity has also written to the Scottish Government and Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), requesting that plans not to monitor the hunt are reviewed if licences continue to be issued.

Each August two thousand gannet chicks, known as gugas, are beaten to death on Sula Sgier by hunters from Ness, on the Isle of Lewis, in order to be eaten.

Responsibility for licensing the hunt has this year been transferred from the Scottish Government to SNH.

Chief Superintendent Mike Flynn said, “These birds are killed by being struck on the head with a heavy implement.

“This is an abhorrent method of slaughter which should be banned.

“The licence issued states that the birds must be killed humanely, yet there is no requirement for the hunt to be inspected and we understand SNH does not intend to do so.

“We believe it is entirely appropriate to ask for the body issuing the licence, which effectively certifies that this practice is not cruel, should ensure it is monitored and that the licence it has issued is being adhered to.

“We are concerned that many of these birds will not be killed by a single blow.

“Causing any of these birds unnecessary suffering would be an offence and as such we would expect future licences to be denied.

“If inspections are not undertaken and if it cannot be demonstrated that these birds are not suffering then we find it impossible to conclude that issuing licences can be justified.”

We reject arguments that guga hunting should be granted special dispensation on the grounds of tradition.

“We appreciate that guga hunting was a way of life for the people from Ness and that gannet chicks were an essential food supply hundreds of years ago,” said Chief Superintendent Flynn.

“However, brutalising animals in this way under the guise of tradition has no place in modern society.”


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My name is _______, and I fully subscribe to the contents of the following letter courtesy Zelda Penzel, President, PEACE; please note that until such a time as this event is cancelled, I will promote a boycott of your country’s tourism and commerce:

Honorable Officials, Ladies, Gentlemen,

As an educator and concerned citizen, I was horrified to learn ( that Scotland’s island of Sula Sgeir is home to an extraordinarily cruel event known as the Guga hunt and that Scottish National Party MP Angus MacNeil has confirmed that he will be personally taking part in this year’s Guga hunt on the Isle of Lewis, Na h-Eileanan An Iar.It is not unusual for politicians/elected officials to show their support for local “traditions”, but this is beyond the pale and there can be no justification whatsoever for any official to support, defend, and participate in something that is clearly abusive, cruel, and inhumane.

Shame on Scotland! It does not get much more outrageous and appalling than beating a living creature to death, as he/she suffers in the process.  How can civilized and caring people look the other way?  How can elected officials condone this hideous and senseless abuse of living, sentient beings?  What is the lesson you are teaching our children by allowing this obscenity to take place with the stamp of approval of government officials?  Not all traditions are equal, nor deserving of being preserved.  This is one that should be relegated to the dustbin of history.

I urge you to take immediate action to put an end to this shameful medieval display of ignorance, insensitivity, and lack of compassion.  It is a “teachable moment” and I hope you will use it to do just that: teach your children and citizens that compassion and the humane treatment of all creatures outweighs any other needs or concerns.  I await your response and want to thank you in advance, for doing the right thing.


Zelda Penzel, President
People for the End of Animal Cruelty and Exploitation~PEACE


a nation with a
a long, proud
why you allow this
cruel hunt to go on
is a mystery
there are not strong
enough words
to describe what is done
to the innocent birds
no living should be
beaten until dead
try kindness instead
traditions written in blood
are cruel, hearltess
and amoral duds

Karen Lyons Kalmenson

2 Comments leave one →
  1. August 23, 2011 12:01 pm

    a nation with a
    a long, proud
    why you allow this
    cruel hunt to go on
    is a mystery
    there are not strong
    enough words
    to describe what is done
    to the innocent birds
    no living should be
    beaten until dead
    try kindness instead
    traditions written in blood
    are cruel, hearltess
    and amoral duds


  2. August 25, 2011 11:42 am

    My name is Penny Ryan, and I fully subscribe to the contents of the following letter courtesy Zelda Penzel, President, PEACE; please note that until such a time as this event is cancelled, I will promote a boycott of your country’s tourism and commerce:

    Honorable Officials, Ladies, Gentlemen, Please stop this horror from the bottom of my heart I beg you.

    As concerned citizen, I was horrified to learn ( that Scotland’s island of Sula Sgeir is home to an extraordinarily cruel event known as the Guga hunt and that Scottish National Party MP Angus MacNeil has confirmed that he will be personally taking part in this year’s Guga hunt on the Isle of Lewis, Na h-Eileanan An Iar.It is not unusual for politicians/elected officials to show their support for local “traditions”, but this is beyond the pale and there can be no justification whatsoever for any official to support, defend, and participate in something that is clearly abusive, cruel, and inhumane.

    Shame on Scotland! It does not get much more outrageous and appalling than beating a living creature to death, as he/she suffers in the process. How can civilized and caring people look the other way? How can elected officials condone this hideous and senseless abuse of living, sentient beings? What is the lesson you are teaching our children by allowing this obscenity to take place with the stamp of approval of government officials? Not all traditions are equal, nor deserving of being preserved. This is one that should be relegated to the dustbin of history.

    I urge you to take immediate action to put an end to this shameful medieval display of ignorance, insensitivity, and lack of compassion. It is a “teachable moment” and I hope you will use it to do just that: teach your children and citizens that compassion and the humane treatment of all creatures outweighs any other needs or concerns. I await your response and want to thank you in advance, for doing the right thing.

    Sincerely, Penny Ryan, Tucson, Arizona


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