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Message To The Pope: “His Compassion Is Over All That He Has Made.” ~Psalms 145:9

By Arthur Poletti

Email The Pope with your own message or copy the LETTER TO SEND below, following the picture essay, which includes the same message.

It is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer and die needlessly.
Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 2418

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
00120 Via del Pellegrino
Citta del Vaticano

Holy Father, there are literally millions of people throughout the world who are appalled and disgusted by the madness and cruelty that takes place when bulls are tortured and murdered for fun and laughs and tradition during the Toro de Coria event each year in Spain.

To make matters even worse, most of these events are dedicated to saints from the Catholic church (such as Saint John for the Toro de Coria) which is blasphemous!

What an insult!

What could be more fun and entertaining then watching a slow blood bath massacre as the bulls’ bodies are methodically ripped apart and ultimately murdered to entertain an arena filled with cheering, brain-dead, blood-thirsty people that look like the devil’s disciples?

Pope St. Pius V decreed that bullfights are “altogether foreign to piety and charity.” He wished that “these cruel and disgraceful exhibitions of devils and not of men be abolished,” and he forbade attendance at them under penalty of excommunication.

Pope St. Pius V — was not afraid to express his utter disgust with bull fighting. The following articles and illustrations will explain why.


In Spain, according to the numbers of the Ministry of Interior, there are 43 registered bullfighting schools. All these schools are subsidized by the Autonomic Regions, local authorities, etc. For example, the region of Andalucia has 22 bullfighting schools and in 2007 the Government of Andalucia gave 300,000 euros of public money to these schools.

Children begin learning the “art” of torturing and killing at an early age. The minimum entry age for these schools varies from one region to another, for example in Valencia it is 9 years old, and in Madrid, 12.

The schools provide all course material. Field trips include visits to farms of bull breeders to participate in tientas ( tests where bulls and cows are pinched with long spears to see how brave they are), and they also practice on calves, young bulls and cows with banderillas, swords, etc.

If you add to the inherent cruelty of a bullfighting spectacle the inexperience of these children you can imagine the carnage.

The minimum age to perform in a spectacle in Spain is 16 years old so many children as young as 11 or 12 go to Mexico to perform since there is no minimum age in that country.

Besides the very well known Spanish bullfights, this country has something commonly called Popular Festivals (popular fiestas) which are in reality another way of torturing bulls. Some of these popular fiestas are outrageous and terrible.

The following are but a couple of the most horrific popular fiestas:

TORDESILLAS “El toro de la Vega”
(bull of Vega)

This so called popular fiesta consists in chasing a bull with spears all over the village sticking them into his body until his death. Meanwhile, since the crowd think that the torture is not enough, they cut his testicles off while he is still alive.

CORIA “El Toro de Coria”
(Coria’s bull)

The bull walks and runs for hours in the streets while people throw darts at him. When he is too tired and weak from loss of blood to continue to escape, the villagers kill him with a gun and cut his testicles off. How neat! You wonder why the world is so screwed up.

“Holy Father” I feel certain that when you carefully consider the value and importance of all of God’s precious creatures you will agree that God wants humans to protect and care for them, not to needlessly torture and murder them.

The real question is, who is going to come to the aid and defense of these precious creatures?

Who is brave enough and bold enough to express the will of God in a convincing and persuasive way that will be heard loudly and clearly and could make a real difference in helping to stop these pathetic mass murders?

Holy Father, once again I plead with you to come to the aid of animals that most often are facing certain death. That are brutally tortured and murdered while most of the people that are watching are licking their lips with great joy and enthusiasm.

The Toro de Coria campaign event really needs to come to an abrupt end. Please seriously consider helping God free these animals from this horrible blood sport by taking a stand and making an announcement expressing your disgust with the Toro de Coria event and all events like it.

Holy Father, It would be impossible to present a list of cities and addresses of towns with bullfights. The best solution is to make a personal telephone call and to send protests to the Prime Minister of Spain and to the Ministry of the Interior (the entity that governs bullfights in Spain).

It is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer and die needlessly.
~ Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 2418

Thank you, Holy Father

For the sake of all animals.
Arthur Poletti, God Does Not Eat Meat
Read for free online at:

“They too, are created by the same loving hand of God which Created us…It is our duty to Protect Them and to promote their well-being.”
~ Mother Teresa.

“Killing animals for sport, for pleasure, for adventures, and for hides and furs is a phenomenon which is at once disgusting and distressing. There is no justification in indulging in such acts of brutality.”
~ His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama

Please email The Pope with the following message to the associated email address, or send a message of your own, thank you.


Holy Father, there are literally millions of people throughout the world who are appalled and disgusted by the madness and cruelty that takes place when bulls are tortured and murdered for fun and laughs and tradition during the Toro de Coria event each year in Spain.

To make matters even worse, most of these events are dedicated to saints from the Catholic church (such as Saint John for the Toro de Coria) which is blasphemous!

What an insult!

What could be more fun and entertaining then watching a slow blood bath massacre as the bulls’ bodies are methodically ripped apart and ultimately murdered to entertain an arena filled with cheering, brain-dead, blood-thirsty people that look like the devil’s disciples?

Pope St. Pius V decreed that bullfights are “altogether foreign to piety and charity.” He wished that “these cruel and disgraceful exhibitions of devils and not of men be abolished,” and he forbade attendance at them under penalty of excommunication.

Pope St. Pius V — was not afraid to express his utter disgust with bull fighting. The following articles and illustrations will explain why.


In Spain, according to the numbers of the Ministry of Interior, there are 43 registered bullfighting schools. All these schools are subsidized by the Autonomic Regions, local authorities, etc. For example, the region of Andalucia has 22 bullfighting schools and in 2007 the Government of Andalucia gave 300,000 euros of public money to these schools.

Children begin learning the “art” of torturing and killing at an early age. The minimum entry age for these schools varies from one region to another, for example in Valencia it is 9 years old, and in Madrid, 12.

The schools provide all course material. Field trips include visits to farms of bull breeders to participate in tientas ( tests where bulls and cows are pinched with long spears to see how brave they are), and they also practice on calves, young bulls and cows with banderillas, swords, etc.

If you add to the inherent cruelty of a bullfighting spectacle the inexperience of these children you can imagine the carnage.

The minimum age to perform in a spectacle in Spain is 16 years old so many children as young as 11 or 12 go to Mexico to perform since there is no minimum age in that country.

Besides the very well known Spanish bullfights, this country has something commonly called Popular Festivals (popular fiestas) which are in reality another way of torturing bulls. Some of these popular fiestas are outrageous and terrible.

The following are but a couple of the most horrific popular fiestas.

TORDESILLAS “El toro de la Vega” (bull of Vega): This so called popular fiesta consists in chasing a bull with spears all over the village sticking them into his body until his death. Meanwhile, since the crowd think that the torture is not enough, they cut his testicles off while he is still alive.

CORIA “El Toro de Coria” (Coria’s bull): The bull walks and runs for hours in the streets while people throw darts at him. When he is too tired and weak from loss of blood to continue to escape, the villagers kill him with a gun and cut his testicles off. How neat! You wonder why the world is so screwed up.

“Holy Father” I feel certain that when you carefully consider the value and importance of all of God’s precious creatures you will agree that God wants humans to protect and care for them, not to needlessly torture and murder them.

The real question is, who is going to come to the aid and defense of these precious creatures?

Who is brave enough and bold enough to express the will of God in a convincing and persuasive way that will be heard loudly and clearly and could make a real difference in helping to stop these pathetic mass murders?

Holy Father, once again I plead with you to come to the aid of animals that most often are facing certain death. That are brutally tortured and murdered while most of the people that are watching are licking their lips with great joy and enthusiasm.

The Toro de Coria campaign event really needs to come to an abrupt end. Please seriously consider helping God free these animals from this horrible blood sport by taking a stand and making an announcement expressing your disgust with the Toro de Coria event and all events like it.

Holy Father, It would be impossible to present a list of cities and addresses of towns with bullfights. The best solution is to make a personal telephone call and to send protests to the Prime Minister of Spain and to the Ministry of the Interior (the entity that governs bullfights in Spain).

It is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer and die needlessly.
~ Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 2418

Thank you, Holy Father.

For the sake of all animals.


Help stop EU subsidies for the bullfighting industry


15 Comments leave one →
  1. Diana Cao permalink
    September 8, 2010 2:50 pm

    God and Jesus must be crying to see how His animals are tortured and killed for fun and even in His name. Cruelty to animals exists all over the world. Why? Please Holy Father, intercede for the animals of the world and condemn this horrific treatment of innocent defenseless creatures. Jesus would never behave like this. Jesus protected the helpless and the voiceless. An innocent puppy in Uruguay had his hind legs cut off just for fun. He later died of infection. Please speak up for the animals.


  2. alicia rosa corradini permalink
    September 16, 2010 9:40 am

    Somos todas criaturas de Dios, él no quiere para ellos las torturas a las que los someten. Los animales también, sienten, sufren, lloran, padecen en cambio èstos por los que pedimos, nop comocen el afecto, el amor ni la paz…
    Alicia Rosa Corradini
    Buenos Aires


  3. October 16, 2010 6:22 am

    I just cannot reconcile the mentality of anyone who enjoys these acts of barbarism and torture – just pure evil


  4. gaetano permalink
    October 26, 2010 4:12 am

    il comandamento ..non rubare ,vale anche per la vita di animali come pecore mucche pesci ,ecc..rubare la vita degli animali è peccato dio intendeva che non uccidere valeva solo per gli umani ,nei suoi comandamenti ‘che servono per proteggere il creato da l uomo ‘avrebbe scritto non commettere omicidio….a MOSè si continua ad uccidere animali per mangirli ..le violenze verso i propi simili aumenteranno sempre piu ..è necessari dire che rubare LA VITA AI NOSTRI FRATELLI diversi ,gli anima li è peccato quansi quanto il peccato di volersi INDIPENDENTI dal padre celeste che adam proclamò..e poi gli animali hanno molto in comune con gli umani ..respirano mangiano ridono piangono vedono anno la bocca il naso propio come noi …il fatto che non pregano o pensino a dio ,non da il diritto di violentarli ..


  5. marie permalink
    July 24, 2011 3:04 pm

    i totally agree with this. cruelty to animals,or anyhting or anyone vulnerable,is vile and i remember it being identified as a mortal sin in the catechism i had as a child. but i think the protection of chilren from physical and sexual abuse is even more important, and URGENT! The report from the diocise of cloynes, dublin, has exposed horrific abuse and the deliberate COVER UP of that abuse by catholic clergy as recently as 2005! this is frightening! please,please Holy Father, make an urgent global declaration of zero tolerance of ALL abuse, and of the cover up of abuse, of our precious children.pledge to us, your flock, to make the protection of our children you top priority, and that ALL catholic clerics,prests nuns etc, reported for abuse will be IMMEADIATLY handed over to the police for investigation and suspended from duties immeadiately. Jesus told us that whatever we did to the “least” (smallest,most powerless- children and animals?) we do to Him as well!surely then His Holy Church has a DUTY TO GOD HIMSELF to PROTECT CHILDREN AT ALL COSTS! People’s faith in the church is hanging in the balance- please Holy Father im begging you,on my knees!


  6. Maria Hortensia permalink
    March 22, 2013 8:17 am

    Santo Padre: Comparto el gozo de su nombramiento con el mundo
    especialmente México.
    He visto sufrir a muchas familias por la excomunión.
    Le ruego pensar en la posibilidad de la oportunidad para las familias que
    en su segundo matrimonio piden el perdón de Dios y la Iglesia se los niega.
    Explicar a un niño en su primera comunión que Dios perdona, Jesus ama…
    pero su madre no puede comulgar con él ese dia.Por haberse equivocado
    en su juventud, o por haber tenido una horrible experiencia de abandono,
    maltrato o Cristiano eso? es cuando más se necesita el consuelo
    y el amor.
    Padre por favor modifique la conducta de la Iglesia hacia esos fieles, seamos
    más Cristianos..
    Se podrá?
    mis sinceros respetos
    Maria Hortensia


  7. Lizabeth permalink
    March 29, 2013 2:00 am

    Dear Pope, Can you help some of the christians in Phillipines? see how they torture themselve by wiping thorns on thier backs, some even allow themselves to be nailed on crosses. Please let them know that JESUS was wiped and nailed for us. JESUS said “it was finished”. They do not need to do that again. let them acknowledge what CHRIST did for us and move on. Love God, love others then we shall see what we can do for JESUS through others. thank you so much


  8. richard40 permalink
    May 19, 2013 12:04 am

    I would love it if the holy father invited Jackie Evancho to sing for him. She is a beautiful child, has an angelic voice, is a world famous classical singer, sings many very uplifting religious songs, and she and her family are also very devout catholics, so she would probably love it.


  9. mark permalink
    July 20, 2013 6:15 pm

    Yahweh your heavenly father. The fall of the catholic church is near. Yehuswah will judge your church. Repent the time of baal worship and all unbelievers are finish. Repent now


  10. alokpairtot permalink
    November 28, 2014 2:36 am

    Вам нужны настоящие подписчики Вконтакте?
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    Раскрутка по результату (то есть вы ничем не рискуете).
    Обращайтесь, пока есть возможность:
    Skype – altaypa1
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  11. Linda Poletti permalink
    September 24, 2015 1:10 pm

    Please pray for Loukas Angelo who was hit by a car at Archbishop Mitty school in San Jose yesterday and is fighting for his life. Love Linda Poletti


  12. Curtisdark permalink
    April 1, 2017 4:52 am




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