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Music and petitions for the wolves …

February 14, 2012

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Please click on and sign the following:

1. Save Wolves from Dirty Oil

2. Tell Canada to stop the wolf slaughter!

3.Stop Killing Canada’s Wolves

1. Background | From NWF

Tar sands operations in Canada are pushing woodland caribou to the brink of extinction as their habitat is destroyed. Incredibly, Canada’s proposed solution is to kill the wolves that prey on caribou, instead of protecting their habitat.

The massive Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline would greatly expand destructive tar sands development–and would mean fewer caribou and fewer wolves.

Last month, President Obama made the right decision by rejecting the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline–which would pump nearly one million barrels per day of tar sands oil through America’s heartland–but the fight against dirty oil is far from over as Congress continues to try to force approval of the dangerous project.

Take action! Edit and send the message HERE, urging your members of Congress to reject the Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline.

2. Background | From Change

Environment Canada’s public comment period on this issue ends on Feb. 22nd, 2012. The government of Canada must hear from people around the world that the unscientific and sensless slaughter of wolves to protect tar sands development is unacceptable. This wolf cull will ruin Canada’s international reputation as a wildlife tourism destination – all to protect oil company profits, not wildlife.

The wolf slaughter will kill over 6,000 wolves in the coming years. The wolves are being used as a scapegoat by government to lay the blame for reduced populations of caribou in Alberta.

The real culprit is not the wolves killing caribou, but the rampant deforestation and habitat destruction stemming from oil and gas development. Scientists and experts ridicule the plan to poison and shoot the wolves, but are being ignored by a government bent on extracting oil at any expense. Stop the slaughter, and focus on cleaning up the tar sands threat to all wildlife.

To learn more, visit

3. Background | From PetitionSite/Care2

There is a proposed aerial cull on wolves in the Cranbrook/Kimberly region of British Columbia.  This aerial cull has been proposed because they are translocating 40 mountain caribou from northern BC, into the south Purcell herd, which has approximately 15 individuals left.  This low population number in the area has nothing to do with wolves, the mountain caribou in this region are declining at a significant rate due to snowmobiling, heli-skiing, mineral exploration and logging.  However we don’t want to stop doing these things in that area, so we are using wolves again as scapegoats.  When will this stop?

Predator control is a short term solution, there are other pressures put on the caribou and more so if the wolves are taken out of the equation, such as competition for habitat from other ungulates, such as white-tail deer, which also carry a meningeal brain worm that does not affect them but has a severe affect on caribou and causes them to die.  If you take out the wolves who prey on these white-tail deer, then the caribou are headed for a significant population decline.  I encourage you to sign this petition, everyone has a voice, speak up against this bloody slaughter of our wolves, we need to protect our wildlife, or there will be nothing left for future generations.  Wolves are a keystone species, they play an important role in maintaining biodiversity, help keep Canada wild.

See More:

Our brother wolves
Willing to share
Their land
But not to have
It stolen
Man unkind
Time to understand
We own nothing
Just small spaces
We borrow
We owe it to
Our creator
To give her beings
A tomorrow

Karen Lyons Kalmenson

3 Comments leave one →
  1. Karen Lyons kalmenson permalink
    February 14, 2012 6:03 pm

    Our brother wolves
    Willing to share
    Their land
    But not to have
    It stolen
    Man unkind
    Time to understand
    We own nothing
    Just small spaces
    We borrow
    We owe it to
    Our creator
    To give her beings
    A tomorrow


  2. February 15, 2012 1:07 am

    Thank you for posting these petitions and the wolf tribute video with my music. It is greatly appreciated. May the beautiful wolves around the globe always be protected from any harm, safe to roam the earth in freedom and harmony!


  3. February 15, 2012 5:38 am

    Reblogged this on delia1979.


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