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New Netflix series expose corrupt nature of animal agriculture

December 26, 2017

By Katie Pevreall, Co-Founder, Senior Editor & Journalist – Bristol, UK | Contactable via:

A new Netflix series exploring the corruption and concerning practices of the food industry is set to air in early 2018.

Rotten will be available on the streaming site as of January 5th next year and will take the form of a six-part series. The trailer appears to focus heavily on animal agriculture and the fraud and corruption that takes place in the American farming system.

The trailer also alludes to the number of lies and falsehoods fed to the public concerning their food. One expert suggests that consumers have no idea where their food is coming from or how it’s been treated before it ends up on their plates suggesting that fish is frozen and defrosted multiple times before it hits supermarket shelves, all the while being pumped full of additives to keep it ‘fresh’.

At your supermarket butcher, the parts from a single chicken will run you more than seven dollars. To raise that bird, the grower was paid thirty-six cents.’ says the narrator. Not only does this show how much people are being charged for their food, but also throws into question the ways in which birds are being raised, and the conditions of workers if farmers can do it for a mere 36¢.

Earlier this year, Netflix released What the Health which has become a widely discussed documentary both from supporters of the documentary and those who seek to discredit it. Food production and food access is an issue on the mind of many today, so it’s possible that Rotten will become the 2018 food documentary that everyone’s talking about.

treat all animals as
you wish to be treated
or you are no more than
an expletive,

Karen Lyons Kalmenson


8 Comments leave one →
  1. karenlyonskalmenson permalink
    December 26, 2017 10:27 am

    treat all animals as
    you wish to be treated
    or you are no more than
    an expletive,

    Liked by 1 person

  2. December 26, 2017 12:08 pm

    Good news. Thanks for sharing x

    Liked by 1 person

  3. December 27, 2017 11:19 am

    It’s about time… let’s lower the veils … so that people can see the truth (and the suffering that is linked to it).
    Let’s start a new year with more consciousness! 🙂 hugs

    Liked by 1 person


  1. New Netflix series expose corrupt nature of animal agriculture — Our Compass – Sonsofgoddess

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