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Will You Help To Stop Another Donkey Basketball School Fund Raiser Event?

January 19, 2014


On February 19th, 2014 another Donkey Basketball school fund-raiser event begins.  Will you help to stop this one as we have all the others?

Just takes a few minutes to send an e-mail to the local newspaper and the event coordinator at News article explaining when this event starts in Feb 19, 2014. Select Newspaper article to read all about this event.

The event, which will take place at 7 p.m. Feb, 19,  2014, will feature 32 live donkeys – yes, you read that right. Donkeys. Four teams of eight players each will then ride the donkeys in an effort to score baskets, similar to traditional basketball.  – Copied from the news paper article above.

We need to STOP DONKEY BASKETBALL! This fund-raising event is coming to a school of children on Feb 19, 2014. Donkey Basketball is inhumane. How the teachers can think this is good for students to learn to abuse a introverted scared animal is beyond my comprehension with all the violence going on in schools today.


Donkeys are mostly introverts and do not like loud noises! Donkeys have weight limits to be ridden, no more than 20% of their body weight including the tac. Donkeys lay down when scared and overwhelmed as they are into self-preservation. Donkeys pull back when scared. Donkeys buck when scared or too much weight is on them or worse on their butt and not the right position. Melody Johnson, Donkey Whisperer Farm



To Whom It Concerns,

It is my understanding that a local school, Brunswick High School, is planning to participate in “donkey baseball” as a fundraising event. While fundraising can certainly be an admirable endeavor, I am shocked at the disrespect and cruelty inflicted on donkeys in pursuit of such. Donkey baseball is inherently cruel, subjecting donkeys to unnatural environments and pain in exploitative situations; examples include being shoved, yelled at, whipped, and forced to travel for months at a time with little mobility or fresh air. Forcing donkeys to endure this is completely unjustified, and the Animal Welfare Act affords no protections to them.

Indeed, “donkey basketball” games are barbaric events during which docile animals are used again and again: the donkeys are lugged from place to place for months on end in small, poorly ventilated vehicles, with no consideration for their welfare, safety, or happiness. Equines who are systemically subjected to such stressors can develop unpredictable temperaments, putting riders and bystanders at risk. There has been a record of injuries, including a case in which an injured participant successfully sued a school for more than $110,000 in damages.

Animals are sentient creatures, capable of love, pain, thought, and suffering, and when you support the exploitation of these donkeys, you only promote indifference and establish that you are unsympathetic to animal concerns. Furthermore, when you actively engage in this type of abuse in front of children, you are indeed promoting animal abuse and disrespect, which invariably lead to human abuse and disrespect. Please discontinue plans for this activity and use an alternative fundraising event in which all can participate in a cruelty-free manner.

Thank you for your attention and consideration to this urgent appeal.


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Do not judge us
We are not you
We do what donkey
Were born to do
We are not stubborn
we do not like being
we are not tools of man
to be beaten or abused
if you want us to help you
be kind with your request
we will gladly oblige
if you do your best.

Karen Lyons Kalmenson

12 Comments leave one →
  1. January 19, 2014 1:45 pm

    Email sent. 🙂


  2. karenlyonskalmenson permalink
    January 19, 2014 4:22 pm

    Do not judge us
    We are not you
    We do what donkey
    Were born to do
    We are not stubborn
    we do not like being
    we are not tools of man
    to be beaten or abused
    if you want us to help you
    be kind with your request
    we will gladly oblige
    if you do your best.


    • January 19, 2014 4:28 pm

      Oh, that is just perfect. Thank you so much, wonderful poet.


      • karenlyonskalmenson permalink
        January 20, 2014 4:56 am

        you are so very welcome, sweet stacey, and thank you.

        manunkind needs a major wake up call!!!

        donkeys…as we see them♥


  3. January 19, 2014 5:38 pm

    Hi Stacey! I already reblogged this from Sunset Daily on the 14th of January,and I sent email.
    Thanks for posting this, we really need to spread the word, to stop these morons from using these poor donkeys to raise money!


    • January 19, 2014 6:39 pm

      Thank you so much, Nancy! There was a victory recently where another one of spectacles was about to start, and they, after numerous attempts to convince them not to use donkeys, relented. Now the school will not use donkeys. Hopefully we all can convince this school of the same.


  4. January 19, 2014 8:09 pm

    Reblogged this on "OUR WORLD".


  5. January 21, 2014 9:03 am

    Sharing it!



  1. Urgent Call to Action: Cruel Donkey Basketball Sponsored by Texas Political Wannabe | Straight from the Horse's Heart

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