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Ask Animal Shelter to Offer Animal-Friendly Menus at Fundraising Events

June 23, 2013


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Target: Janice Wagaman, volunteer coordinator at City of Sacramento Front Street Animal Shelter

Goal: Urge animal shelters to adopt a policy of only offering animal-friendly menu choices at fundraising events.

Animal shelters frequently host fundraising events in order to support the ever-growing need of funding for their life saving operations. Often these organizations spend countless hours and resources rescuing dogs, cats, chickens, rabbits, and animals of all types, yet they continue to offer meal choices that involve the suffering and slaughter of other animals. This petition urges the City of Sacramento Front Street Animal Shelter to adopt an animal-friendly policy when making food choices for shelter sponsored events.

The Sacramento SPCA has set an example by following the Food for Thought Campaign introduced by Animal Place, a sanctuary for farm animals. The campaign merely asks animal shelters and rescue organizations to adopt an animal-friendly menu policy that is more in line with their ethical beliefs and actions towards animals. Why love one and eat another?

The City of Sacramento Front Street Animal Shelter recently rewarded volunteers with a barbecue consisting of hot dogs and hamburgers. The shelter also benefits from fundraisers at Big Spoon Yogurt with the slogan “Treat Yourself, Give a Little,” and at Jamie’s Bar and Grill under the slogan “Dogs for Dogs.” This is ethically inconsistent for the Sacramento Front Street Shelter to endorse the pain and suffering of one animal in order to benefit another deemed more worthy of our time and money. Please urge the Sacramento Front Street Shelter to adopt an animal-friendly, vegan menu for all fundraising events.

Raising funds to save lives
Is really great.
But you should also
Save lives on your

Karen Lyons Kalmenson

16 Comments leave one →
  1. Karenlyonskalmenson permalink
    June 23, 2013 10:58 am

    Raising funds to save lives
    Is really great.
    But you should also
    Save lives on your


  2. June 23, 2013 10:59 am

    DISGUSTING foto! It’s not real, I hope?


    • June 23, 2013 11:01 am

      No, it was a photoshopped picture done on Facebook. Sadly, though, it is real for billions of other “food” animals (although cats and dogs are eaten in some Eastern countries). It is supposed to make people think, I am glad you found it distasteful.


      • ibmelvin permalink
        September 9, 2013 2:14 pm

        Its an AWFUL picture! OMG – even photoshopped, it’s just paints a horrible and cruel mental picture.


  3. June 23, 2013 12:36 pm

    Reblogged this on Sherlockian's Blog and commented:
    Food for thought.


  4. DPENN permalink
    June 23, 2013 1:06 pm

    This picture is disturbing, even though it is photoshopped. And you are correct. It has made me think a whole lot. I just hope some sicko doesn’t get the idea the wrong way and go and do this to some innocent little dog. Signed!


    • June 23, 2013 2:27 pm

      Thank you for your honesty. And it already does happen to billions of animals, sadly. 😦 Thank you for signing!


  5. lovegan permalink
    June 23, 2013 1:32 pm

    I agree. It drives me mad to see benefit events in which dead animals are offered! How can they claim they save animals when they kill other animals? Signed, shared and twitted, thank you Stacey x


  6. markgil permalink
    June 23, 2013 5:24 pm

    “All animals have the same capacity for suffering, but how we see them differs and that determines what we’ll tolerate happening to them. In the western world, we feel it wrong to torture and eat cats and dogs, but perfectly acceptable to do the same to animals equally as sentient and capable of suffering. No beings who pride themselves on rationality can continue to support such behaviour.”- Twyla Francois

    “So many people insist they are against animal abuse, cruelty, suffering and the inhumane treatment of animals, yet they don’t understand they are actively engaging in and supporting egregious suffering, abuse, cruelty and inhumane treatment when they eat animals and their ‘by-products.’ If you are against cruelty, suffering and inhumane treatment, then you go vegan. It’s just that simple.” – Sarah Kiser


    • June 23, 2013 5:28 pm

      Thank you so much for providing those quotes. They are very compelling and SO TRUE. Veganism is the only compassionate and equitable stance.


      • markgil permalink
        June 23, 2013 7:09 pm

        i’m glad you appreciate them Stacey. i am a big quote person as there is something very powerful about condensing great wisdom in a sentence or 2.


  7. September 9, 2013 4:06 pm

    Sign the petition. I like to see them all start doing this!


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