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Rabbits Thrown Across Yards & Used As Games For Children To Chase & Stomp for Prizes

June 17, 2013

Source: Rabbit Action Alerts by Linda Sue

The Rabbits Need Your Voice!

Sign the pledge HERE and please send letter below


Please copy and paste the below letter  (with Rodeo References below) and email them to the block addresses provided here:,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,



I am writing you today as a concerned citizen. There are events taking place at your local rodeos called “Rabbit Scrambles”. This event is a concern as it is extremely harmful to the rabbits involved, both emotionally and physically as they are thrown off the truck, chased after, stepped on, and pulled. It is also sending a terrible message to children about how animals are seen and treated, which can later lead to cruelty to humans. Referencing Video footage of this event, as you can see, is not one isolated rodeo.

Rabbits have a very fragile bone structures to make them light and fast, so grabbing them by a leg or throwing them around most surely causes broken bones – that very likely go untreated, or broken backs, which causes paralysis or death.  As prey animals, being chased is one of the worst things you could do to them, so not only did they have to survive being thrown, injured, and now chased down by screaming children, grabbed roughly, accidentally stepped on, they also are literally running for their lives in fear, which is basically torture.

When rabbits are treated well and given care and respect, they are outgoing, full of personality, and are wonderful house pets to millions of people, and they are considered a family pet.  However, after the treatment the rabbits at these events have received, it is a wonder that any have survived…or made it through the first year.  Rabbits typically live 10+ years when cared for properly.

This unnecessary cruelty really must stop. I am asking you to stand with me and make sure this event does not take place again in your county. Please contact your local rescue groups to come and be on hand to educate families on adoption and care of rabbits and other companion animals as an alternative to this torture of a sentient helpless being.

Giving unwanted animals away as “prizes” only results badly for the animals; there are many options and games for children to have fun – animal cruelty doesn’t have to be one of them.  

Video footage:

News Story, Scott Beckstead Oregon state director of the Humane Society :

Ordinances Involving Rabbits:

Thank you for your consideration to this urgent appeal.

30 Comments leave one →
  1. lovegan permalink
    June 17, 2013 4:08 pm

    OMG 😦 doing now, thank you Stacey


    • June 17, 2013 4:22 pm

      Thank you, sweetie, I know your love of rabbits. Mine, too. 😦


  2. June 17, 2013 4:16 pm

    Now ive read it all!!! WTF are these parents thinking to allow their kids to participate in such things its heartbreaking and digusting emails sent and pledge signed also shared in several places thanks Stacey


    • June 17, 2013 4:22 pm

      I know, I watched it and was sickened, I cannot believe how this could be considered normal entertainment. It is filthy.


  3. karenlyonskalmenson permalink
    June 17, 2013 4:30 pm

    and one day the aliens
    came down from space,
    saw silly humans running
    all over the place.
    they decided to catch some
    so their children could play,
    to them we humans are
    inferior anyway.


    • karenlyonskalmenson permalink
      June 17, 2013 4:34 pm

      this address just kicked back:>: host[] said:
      550 5.1.1 … User unknown (in reply to RCPT TO


      • June 17, 2013 6:14 pm

        Thank you, Karen, I’ll remove.


      • June 17, 2013 6:16 pm

        Is it djmenden or jmenden that bounced back? It’s djmenden in the alert (with a “d”). Thank you, hon.


  4. June 17, 2013 4:47 pm

    Reply fron AG Magazine

    Riverdale Rodeo Barnyard Scramble

    Play video
    The Riverdale Rodeo is sanctioned by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association, or the PRCA. The PRCA claims to have humane rules. Rodeo people claim they love their animals. Does this look like love…
    Added on 08/05/2013


    On Jun 17, 2013, at 3:25 PM, Sandi Walker wrote:


    I am writing you today as a concerned citizen. There are events taking place at your local Rodeos called “Rabbit Scrambles”. This event is a concern as it is extremely harmful to the rabbits involved, both emotionally and physically as they are thrown off the truck, chased after, stepped on and pulled. It is also sending a terrible message to children about how animals are seen and treated which can later lead to cruelty to humans. Referencing Video footage of this event, as you can see is not one isolated Rodeo

    Rabbits have a very fragile bone structures to make them light and fast, so grabbing them by a leg or throwing them around most surely causes broken bones-that very likely go untreated or broken backs which caused paralysis or death. As prey animals, being chased is one of the worst things you could do to them, so not only did they have to survive being thrown, injured, and now chased down by screaming children, grabbed roughly, accidentally stepped on, they also are literally running for their lives in fear which is basically torture.

    When rabbits are treated well and given care and respect, they are outgoing, full of personality and are wonderful house pets to millions of people and they are considered a family pet. However, after the treatment the rabbits at these events have received, it is a wonder that any have survived…or made it through the first year. Rabbits typically live 10+ years when cared for properly.

    This unnecessary cruelty really must stop. I am asking you to stand with me and make sure this event does not take place again in your County. Please contact your local rescue groups to come and be on hand to educate families on adoption and care of rabbits and other companion animals as an alternative to this torture of a sentient helpless being.

    Giving unwanted animals away as “prizes” only results badly for the animals, there are many options and games for children to have fun, animal cruelty doesn’t have to be one of them. Tame Domestic rabbits are Not Rodeo Animals, Animal Cruelty Statutes should be honored.

    Video footage:

    News Story: Scott Beckstead Oregon state director of the Humane Society : InvolvingRabbits

    It truly upsets me to be part of a species that objectifies animals, seen as commercial products to eat, wear, and exploit for entertainment and testing. However, the inherently cruel conditions inflicted on these rabbits are destructive, immoral and unparalleled in both its cruel intent and apathetic nature. Please, help protect the rabbits.

    Thank you for your consideration,
    Alexandria Walker

    Eric Batti — Sales Manager
    Ag Source Magazine


  5. Michaela Cavill permalink
    June 17, 2013 4:52 pm

    This goes to show there are some truly sick people in this world! Those people who are doing this to poor defenseless creatures need to be stomped on …. they may then rethink their cruel minds!


  6. Sassy Redhead permalink
    June 17, 2013 5:59 pm

    emails and letter sent just now!​


  7. izasassyredhead999 permalink
    June 17, 2013 6:04 pm

    this is utterly reprehensible…horrific to think these children are learning cruelty to innocent beings is acceptable behavior. am shocked and horrified.


  8. James Burnette permalink
    June 17, 2013 6:53 pm

    Please note:

    Delivery to the following recipients failed.


    • June 17, 2013 6:54 pm

      Thank you, James, I’ll remove them. I suspect they are now blocking our protests the more letters they receive.


  9. James Burnette permalink
    June 17, 2013 6:54 pm


    I just saw a video of a “rabbit scramble”. Though the treatment of these critters is no worse than the treatment of any other barn animals, it seems to be a way of breaking in kids to become the next generation of cow punchers. At the very least it makes them think it normal to chase down and fling little animals around. Something about that just doesn’t sit right with me. The rabbits were out of their element and seemed confused. I’m sure injured rabbits are simply written off as a business loss and end up in a stew pot. This doesn’t teach kids to respect their environment and the varmints that live therein. The notion of a clean kill is lost. I hope you can voice a strong opinion to phase out such events in your locale, or modify them to have a much lesser impact on the rabbits. My hope is to teach kids to be tough and stand up for animals when they see them being bullied. Such lessons carry over into adult life in the workplace.

    Reciprocity demands that the kids be divided into two teams, lasso and hog tie each other. Last kid standing wins. I’m sure the parents wouldn’t stand for that.

    Thank you,

    James H. Burnette
    Lackawanna, NY


    • June 17, 2013 7:01 pm

      Thank you, James. I agree this treatment is no worse than that of factory farmed animals (which is actually considerably more brutal, painful, and causes great amounts of suffering). I appreciate you taking the time to write and voice your opposition to this cruel and unwelcome event.


  10. June 18, 2013 5:23 am

    Reblogged this on Carinas space and commented:
    E-mail action, please! Took barely 5 minutes to complete. Sign the pledge while you’re at it.


  11. June 18, 2013 9:47 am

    What a disgrace! Nothing like fostering cruelty towards animals in young children. Way to go. Who’s the heartless, soul-less A-hole who came up with the idea?


  12. June 18, 2013 3:58 pm



  13. DPENN permalink
    June 23, 2013 1:13 pm

    Don’t these people have anything better to do than frighten and scare innocent little animals to death????


  14. rescue joe permalink
    July 7, 2013 7:57 am

    I don’t know…I watched the first video…it looks like they are giving away rabbits to me, I didn’t see any stomping, I’m sure its not the best thing for a rabbit to be chased and taken home to be a pet, but it didn’t look as horrible as you titled it and before you get all defiant and weepy on me, I’ve rescued dozens of animals, including dogs. cats, rats, birds, squirrels, hedgehogs, parakeets…if you want support, shock will only turn the average person away, especially if your video turns out to be not all that shocking, people will view it as an over-reaction and dismiss your cause.


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