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Mothers Scream for Babies

May 12, 2013

Background | Source PETA

Right this very moment, mothers are having their babies taken away from them just days after their infants are born.

The kidnapped babies will be sold to a violent, bloody industry, and after just a couple of weeks, they’ll be shipped to slaughter and have their throats slit!

This is how animals used for the dairy and veal industries will spend their Mother’s Day.

Let everyone know that every time they consume dairy products, they’re supporting an industry that steals babies from their moms and tortures them.Give these moms the ultimate Mother’s Day gift by spreading the word.

Watch and share this video on Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr.

Click HERE to learn how to go vegan.

this is my baby,
this is my child
please do not
take the little one
my family you have

Karen Lyons Kalmenson

19 Comments leave one →
  1. May 12, 2013 1:29 pm

    This is utterly heartbreaking i cant even stand to watch those aholes just pull those newborns by their feet its disgusting wheres the compassion? These are babies for heavens sake, i have a theory that factory farms, puppy mills, and labs purposely hire people who are not right in the head and have a prepensity to be cruel to animalsthat way they wont get upset or complain or report when animals are treated so badly, these kinds of people the world could do without! How could anyone drink or use milk after seeing this?


    • May 12, 2013 3:49 pm

      My thoughts exactly Florence! These people have to be psychopaths to do what they do to animals, especially to the babies! It begs the question… does this encourage or discourage them from becoming serial killers of children too? All the more reason to ensure that video taping inside all animal facilities are never stopped! Those who run all factory farms & slaughterhouses should also be slapped with heavy fines (& jail sentences) for each and every example of abuse or nothing will ever change!


      • May 12, 2013 4:29 pm

        I agree with both of you, but I wouldn’t push for videos, I’d push for veganism. But I understand where you are coming from with that idea. It would be a reason for animal welfare. But again, veganism is the only way to be compassionate.


      • May 13, 2013 2:36 pm

        I have a theory that factory farming, puppy mills, zoos, medical labs and the like purposely hire people who are more likely to not care what happens to animals so they wont complain or report when the animals are treated badly which also unfourtunately means these people also enjoy seeing and being apart of the misery cruelty and abuse done to these animals and you are so right how long before one of these nutjobs harm a chilld or adult its mindboggleing that they would even want to silence whistleblowers


  2. Chris permalink
    May 12, 2013 1:38 pm

    …please help, St. Francis!


  3. narhvalur permalink
    May 12, 2013 2:42 pm

    Reblogged this on Ann Novek–With the Sky as the Ceiling and the Heart Outdoors.


  4. karenlyonskalmenson permalink
    May 12, 2013 2:43 pm

    this is my baby,
    this is my child
    please do not
    take the little one
    my family you have


  5. May 13, 2013 9:02 am

    Reblogged this on Girl for Animal Liberation and commented:
    Every time you tuck into a glass of milk, a slice of pizza, cheese and crackers, ice cream, yogurt, I want you to think about these mother cows and the fact that in order for you to have milk or any milk based product THIS is what these mother cows must endure — having their new born babies taken from them! Drink up!


  6. May 13, 2013 11:22 am

    Reblogged this on delia1979.


  7. catwhispurrer permalink
    May 13, 2013 11:36 am

    Any mother would be heartbroken at having her baby taken away, especially dragged away by its leg & locked up & murdered. Why then is this atrocity ok for cows and calves? It isn’t. Isn’t it time to stop this heinous animal abuse and ditch dairy???


    • May 13, 2013 2:32 pm

      I completely agree. Well-said, Cat.


      • catwhispurrer permalink
        May 13, 2013 3:26 pm

        Based on human history, it takes approx. 100 years for major change to happen (democracy, civil/human rights, racial/gender equality, women’s vote etc) Sadly, animal rights are woefully lacking way behind and it will require a grass roots groundswell of huge proportions for change. But doing nothing is NOT an option for many, so while promoting veganism (starting with vegetarianism first) I think cameras in every single area involving animals (circuses, zoos, labs, puppy mills, slaughterhouses, factory farms, public animal shelters, rodeos etc) must become mandatory. This is the most sacred measure on a large scale to catch and prevent animal abuse, while also being used as evidence for prosecuting offenders. Currently, there are minimal deterrents and virtually no prosecutions. The Ag-Gag bills must NEVER be allowed to pass into legislation or animal protection will regress to even lower levels of impotence.


      • May 13, 2013 4:15 pm

        I could totally get behind that if there were web-cam sites where anyone could watch. I think that would be beneficial. Excellent points, and well-said. (By the way, Tennessee just VETOED their potential ag-gag law, so that is a bit of good news.)


  8. February 26, 2014 1:01 pm

    Reblogged this on The Monsters Among Us.


  9. October 6, 2014 9:20 pm

    Really when someone doesn’t be aware of then its up to other people that they will assist, so here it takes place.


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