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Sky Sports broadcasts fatal injury of 2 year old greyhound at Yarmouth

April 8, 2013


Dear all,

We have learned of a tragic incident at the first bend on Yarmouth track, probably not that uncommon on the greyhound racetrack. On Wednesday night Sky Sports broadcast live coverage of dog racing from Yarmouth. Having been knocked down and sustained an injury at the first bend – Kokoro – a 2 year old brindle male did not finish and had to be put to sleep. Ballycowen Dave was also brought down at the first bend.

The footage of the incident is available on YouTube

Please email Sky Sports and politely raise your concerns regarding their coverage and support of a cruel gambling industry.


Greyhound Compassion

Proud to be opposed to greyhound racing. Oxford and Walthamstow greyhound racetracks closed, Wimbledon under threat.


Click HERE for an online contact form


To Whom It Concerns,

I have learned of a tragic incident at the first bend on Yarmouth track on March 27, 2013. On Wednesday night, Sky Sports broadcast live coverage of dog racing from Yarmouth. Having been knocked down and sustaining an injury at the first bend, Kokoro, a two-year-old brindle male did not finish and had to be euthanized. Ballycowen Dave was also brought down at the first bend.

Please discontinue your coverage and support of a cruel gambling industry where live, sentient beings are exploited in unimaginable manners, objectified, and killed, all for profit. Animals are feeling beings, capable of emotions, including happiness, fear, and pain. Please treat them with respect and compassion and cease exploiting them; broadcasting one of the most cruel and exploitative industries only exemplifies your objection to animal respect and compassion.

Thank you for your consideration to this urgent appeal.



I do not mind running
or racing for you
That is how I am built
That is what I do
But why do you hurt me
When with me you are done
You kill or desert me
When I no longer won
I am a galgo/greyhound of soft eyes
And softer demeanor
I love all my humans
And am quite a good leaner
Please do not throw me away
In your heart let me stay

Karen Lyons Kalmenson

6 Comments leave one →
  1. karenlyonskalmenson permalink
    April 8, 2013 3:08 pm


    I do not mind running
    or racing for you
    That is how I am built
    That is what I do
    But why do you hurt me
    When with me you are done
    You kill or desert me
    When I no longer won
    I am a galgo/greyhound of soft eyes
    And softer demeanor
    I love all my humans
    And am quite a good leaner
    Please do not throw me away
    In your heart let me stay


  2. Carol Dibbens permalink
    April 8, 2013 5:44 pm

    Another cruel sport It should be banned everywhere now


  3. April 9, 2013 3:21 pm

    message sent and shared in several places thanks Stacey i abhor dog racing when i lived in Florida as a little girl i lived a block or so from a dog racetrack and i can tell you these dogs are abused and neglected even as a child i knew dog racing was wrong i cant tell you how many dead dogs i seen as a child it still sticks with me!


    • April 9, 2013 4:07 pm

      I am so sorry you experienced that! That must have been awful. Thank you forever for your compassionate soul and all you do.


  4. May 4, 2013 11:22 am

    It’s disgraceful, I had a ton on that mutt. Gutted.


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