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Contact embassy, officials about trapped, starving cats

February 8, 2013
Wikimedia Commons

Wikimedia Commons

This action is partially copied HERE as an alternative to the  previous alert about the bulls, the action which PETA removed from their site.  Even if you have already, please participate again in this alert as there is a new contact and new translation, thank you.

Background | Source CBS News

City authorities in the Belarusian capital of Minsk are carelessly trapping stray cats in locked basements, dooming them to starvation, animal activists say.

Elena Titova, leader of the animal rights group Protect Life, says the ex-Soviet nation has no long-term shelters to house stray animals. She estimated that about 9,000 strays have been killed in the Belarusian capital alone over the past three years.

“Killing the animals with impunity has become a government policy,” Titova said Monday. “This barbarian policy can be described as `No animal, no problem.’ They find it easier to kill them as they don’t have to build shelters.”

City authorities say they must isolate the basements of apartment buildings in line with Soviet-era health rules to prevent rodents from getting in.

“Cats and residents will scream for a while and then they will calm down,” said Alexander Yubkov, a city worker who has welded iron covers on basement windows.

He said if workers did not secure basements “sanitary officials will come and order us to pay a fine.”

Minsk resident Karolina Litvinova said authorities don’t bother to check whether there are no animals left in a basement before shutting it.

“My heart aches to hear how the animals, whom they have walled up, are screaming day and night,” said 72-year-old Antonina Gayenko, a retiree who was feeding some cats through small holes in the iron plates. “They have doomed them to death from thirst and hunger.”

Please click HERE to read rest of article


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Email Block: ; ; ; ; ;


The Honorable Boris Batura
Minsk Oblast Executive Committee

The Honorable Vladimir Yevguenyevich Kukharev
First Deputy Chair
Minsk City Executive Committee

The Honorable Alexander Sergeyevich Avramenko
Minsk City Executive Committee Department of Housing Policy

The Honorable Viktoria Markov
Deputy Director of Housing
Minsk City Executive Committee of Construction and Investments

The Honorable Natalia Arturovna Yuditskii
Deputy Director of Construction Investment Projects
Minsk City Executive Committee of Construction and Investments

Belarus is a dictatorship, but they do have an embassy in the United States. They can be reached here:


SUBJECT: Пожалуйста, освободите котов, заточенных в подвалах!

Пожалуйста, освободите котов, заточенных в подвалах!

Я была шокирована, узнав, что бездомные коты в Минске оказываются, по недосмотру, заперты в подвалах домов, опечатанных для исключения грызунов. Принуждение животных умирать от голода и обезвоживания – жестоко и антисанитарно. Трупы вызовут зловоние в домах, огорчат жильцов и соседей, а также приведут к еще большему количеству грызунов в этих местах.

Пожалуйста, освободите всех котов из опечатаных подвалов. Размещение всего нескольких тряпок, пропитанных аммиаком (животные ненавидят этот запах) в этих местах, приведет к тому, что все коты покинут подвалы. По прошествии 24-х часов входы в подвалы могут быть опечатаны. Благодарим Вас за внимание.



SUBJECT: Please Free Entombed Cats From Sealed Basements!

Dear Honorable Batura, Honorable Kukharev, Honorable Avramenko, Honorable Markov, and Honorable Yuditskii:

Please Free Entombed Cats From Sealed Basements!

I was shocked to learn that cats in Minsk are being inadvertently entombed in basements when the buildings are sealed to keep out rodents. Forcing these animals to die from starvation or dehydration is extremely cruel and unsanitary. Carcasses will cause buildings to smell, upsetting occupants and neighbors while attracting more rodents to the area.

Please free any trapped cats. Placing multiple rags soaked with ammonia in basements will drive out all animals (they hate the smell). After 24 hours have elapsed, entry points can be safely sealed. Thank you for your consideration!


here we are, locked in this tomb.
it is dark in here, and filled with
no water,no food,
we cannot lift our heads.
what did we do to
end up so slowly and
please help us authorities
ofminsk, belarus.
open these torture chambers
and let us loose.

the cats!

Karen Lyons Kalmenson


20 Comments leave one →
  1. February 8, 2013 1:57 pm

    Karen your poetry is amazing you are so very talented my friend your poety just speaks to me i wish i could write like you lol


  2. February 8, 2013 1:58 pm

    Thanks for alertints appalling that this is going on i sent the emails and shared this action in several places thanks again Stacey for your hard work i appreciate it and so do the animals 😉


  3. February 8, 2013 2:59 pm

    I just sent an email to the addresses listed to protest these actions by the government. Please save the cats!!!!!


  4. Animal Connection permalink
    February 9, 2013 3:34 pm

    Reblogged this on Animal Connection.


    • February 9, 2013 7:42 pm

      I tried to email the official but some of the emails were returned to me…… Others went through.


    • February 9, 2013 8:21 pm

      Thank you, Renee. That means they’ve started to restrict access to their receipt of emails. They’re tired of getting so many, so in a way, it’s a good point that so many are participating. Thanks, again.


    • February 9, 2013 8:23 pm

      Thank you, Animal Connection.


  5. Carol permalink
    February 10, 2013 10:04 am

    Let our voices be heard to stop this barbaric act!! Please save the animals!


  6. February 10, 2013 11:20 am

    Please stop this horrific treatment of cats. It is beyond inhumane. Remember THE WORLD IS WATCHING HOW YOU HANDLE THIS SITUATION!!!!!


  7. Christine Jones permalink
    February 16, 2013 1:36 am

    Done. There is also a petition you can sign at
    Hopefully they will see sense and release these poor creatures.


    • February 16, 2013 9:31 pm

      Thank you so much, Christine. I signed the petition and added it to the alert above.


  8. February 16, 2013 4:45 pm

    This is unbelievable. I can’t imagine the cruelty of someone who would do this. I also have to give kudos to those activists who are working so hard to stop this hell for those poor helpless animals. I have written the emails, signed all the petitions, shared in on Facebook and Twitter and sent messages to all of my Care 2 friends. Those of you who are working in the field to save these cats are putting stars in your holy crown. God bless you.


    • February 16, 2013 7:04 pm

      Thank you so much for your efforts and your kind thoughts, Nancy, I, too, wish them success with much gratitude.


  9. February 24, 2013 5:18 pm

    How can you call yourselves a civilised nation whilst you wall in cats? This medieval behaviour has no place in the 21st Century! Shame on you! You are a backward nation!


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