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Free Diesel Now

October 19, 2012



Diesel the Dog has been locked away in a 5′ x 7′ cement enclosure for twenty-three and a half hours a day, every day, for the past nineteen months at the Regional District of Central Okanagan’s dog compound. The Regional District of Central Okanagan (RDCO) has a history of doing this to animals in their jurisdiction. It’s time for all fair-minded people and animal lovers to bring the RDCO’s practice of animal cruelty to an end.

Diesel’s only fault was to defend himself in a dog fight and bite the attacking dog. Diesel was then reported to RDCO Dog Control and has been incarcerated in horrible conditions ever since.

Diesel has been assessed as NON-AGGRESSIVE by a professional dog assessor with 35 years experience, Mr. Gary Gibson. Despite this, the authorities at the RDCO refuse to release Diesel and go on the word of their own dog assessor, someone who has had six weeks training in dog obedience and not a single course or any training in dog assessment. It’s this RDCO employee who assessed Diesel as aggressive and said that he should be destroyed. The only reason why Diesel is alive today is because of Diesel’s owner, Dave Smith.

Dave is trying to save the life of his innocent dog and is fighting Diesel’s case in Supreme Court which is a very costly matter.

The RDCO has the power to release Diesel IMMEDIATELY by simply dropping their court case against him. Regrettably, RDCO Directors have chosen Diesel’s continued suffering as the preferred option.

If you live within or near the RDCO, Friends of Diesel will be holding a candlelight vigil Monday, Oct. 22nd starting at 6:30 PM. It will be held at the Kelowna City Hall, 1435 Water Street, Kelowna but we’d like to meet Diesel supporters initially at The Sails. We’d like to see as many as possible attend, so if you plan on coming please dress warmly, bring family members and friends, electric candles, and of course, bring your beloved animal friends.

August 9th, 2012, Mr. Dave Smith appeared in court to receive the verdict from the judge on his loyal companion and friend, Diesel. Unfortunately, the decision of the court was not what was expected and was a very biased decision. They sentenced Diesel to death within the next 14 days, without really listening to the defense and leaving Mr. Smith with a VERY short time frame to appeal. The paperwork is already in motion for the appeal but time is very crucial for Diesel and support is urgent to save the life of an innocent victim condemned to death without your help. …

Dave Smith adopted Diesel in the summer of 2006. Dave and his loyal companion have been the center of attack for the past few years from a neighbor who has been making life very difficult. This neighbor has been making every effort to cause problems for Dave Smith and Diesel by filing complaints continuously. Diesel and his owner/parent have been victimized by this neighbor from 2006 to 2011.

Diesel has never shown any signs of aggression by any means and has always been a fun and loving companion. He has been in the company of many animals, people and children and has never attempted to hurt anyone.

In June, 2011, Dana Eklund assessed Diesel and her recommendation was the he never be released because he would bite someone or another animal. The assessment documentation provided by Ms. Eklund was given a 20 minute-briefing on Diesel by animal control on the instructions of “their” legal council. Gary Gibson, who assessed Diesel by video, contradicts Ms. Eklund’s testimony showing the complete opposite of what she testified to. The Provincially recognized expert dog assessor, Gary Gibson, showed both in written submissions and video records that Diesel was not a dangerous or aggressive dog, but would respond if attacked. Well, I think if any of us were attacked, whether animal or human, we would respond. That’s logic. …

To view the rest, follow this link.

Here is expert dog assessor Gary Gibson’s assessment.


Petition 1
Petition 2



Dear Regional Director:

Diesel, as you know, has been locked away in a 5′ x 7′ cement enclosure for twenty-three and a half hours a day, EVERYDAY, for more than nineteen months. Diesel’s cruel, prolonged confinement has clearly been approved by you, since it is your authority that has placed him there. You also know that Diesel has been assessed as NON-AGGRESSIVE by Mr. Gary Gibson, a professional dog assessor with 35 years experience. In addition, you’re fully aware that your own “dog assessor” has never taken a single course in dog assessment nor has she ever had any formal training as a dog assessor. She has only taken a six-week course in dog obedience. Despite this, she has “assessed” Diesel as aggressive and that he should be destroyed. All these details you know, but despite this alarming information, you have let an innocent dog like Diesel suffer for more than nineteen months. Where is your moral integrity?

Since it’s within your power to release Diesel immediately by stopping your legal action against him, why haven’t you made any attempt to do so? It would be impossible to believe you are not aware of this option since that’s what your job is about. Logic dictates, therefore, you do not really care. How could you and your colleagues, even in your darkest moments, sentence an innocent animal to such a hellish life? Is creating this cruel nightmare for an animal the best way you can express yourself in your life?

The world is getting to know the RDCO and its Regional Directors for all the wrong reasons. People, and yes, even Regional Directors make mistakes. You still have time to change your course and act with a heart filled with compassion instead of retribution.

Please hear the world’s voices of compassion and justice for animals. Please set Diesel free without delay.  The world is waiting for your compassionate and just decision.

Thank you for taking the time to read this urgent appeal.


Dear Regional Director:

This is cruel and unjust punishment for any creature of any species. Please release Diesel at once!

Thank you for taking the time to read this urgent appeal.


Dear Regional Director:

The RDCO has overstepped its mandate by engaging in what is nothing short of animal abuse. Diesel isn’t being held in isolation in order to protect anyone. He is a victim of cruel policy implemented by an inhumane group of political powermongers.

Thank you for taking the time to read this urgent appeal.


Dear Regional Director:

I can’t believe that the RDCO is allowed to waste taxpayer money on defending their animal abuse. Not only should Diesel be released – the RDCO should be personally held responsible for improper conduct and prosecuted accordingly!

Thank you for taking the time to read this urgent appeal.

remember lennox and the message, clear.
please do not let that happen here.
do not let an innocent dog fall
victim to
human cruelty,
as they all to often do.
you have the power
to make this right,
let diesel free
as he is supposed to be.
be the bigger person,
do not be hobbled,
by manunkind and his
vicious squabbles

thank you

Karen Lyons Kalmenson

8 Comments leave one →
  1. karen lyons kalmenson permalink
    October 19, 2012 1:26 pm

    remember lennox and the message, clear.
    please do not let that happen here.
    do not let an innocent dog fall
    victim to
    human cruelty,
    as they all to often do.
    you have the power
    to make this right,
    let diesel free
    as he is supposed to be.
    be the bigger person,
    do not be hobbled,
    by manunkind and his
    vicious squabbles

    thank you


  2. October 19, 2012 5:01 pm

    letter sent i signed the petition too but both petitin links went to the same petition also shared in several places thanks Stceyas always for alerting us to this its tragic at best and so very sad!


  3. Stacey permalink
    December 17, 2012 8:10 pm

    What happened to diesel ? Was he released from the pound ?


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