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Please send emails to French officials, foie gras is not wanted in Europe or USA

August 1, 2012

Wikimedia Commons



The French President is fighting the foie gras ban: Please email and tell him the Foie Gras is becoming unacceptable and is not wanted in Europe and USA! The latest ban in California proves many find Foie Gras totally cruel and unacceptable. Despite the free trade laws, it is allowed to be imported into countries that have banned the production, UK for one. This is hypocritical and people are now becoming aware of the cruelty involved. The email addresses for the French Government are on here –

WHOM TO CONTACT , , , , , , , , , , ,


Dear Mr President and Officials,

Des gras de Foie est produits en gavant les canards ou les oies confinés massifs quantités de nourriture, par l’intermédiaire d’une pompe mécanisée, plusieurs fois par jour pour à trois semaines. À la fin de cette période d’engraissement, les foies des oiseaux sont gonflés jusqu’à dix fois leur taille naturelle. Les oiseaux sont alors abattus, et leurs foies sont vendus en tant que « gras de foie. » Ces conditions précipitez les accidents considérables, et le taux de mortalité d’animaux dans des gras de foie la production dépasse de loin cela d’autres industries animales.Quelques oiseaux meurent quand les déchirures de tube d’alimentation en métal ouvrent leurs gorges.

Beaucoup d’oiseaux meurent des organes internes ou de l’asphyxie rompus quand nourriture devient effectué dans leurs gorges et appareils digestifs. Beaucoup sont ainsi physiquement débilité et en tellement douleur vers la fin du période d’engraissement forcé qu’ils ne peuvent pas se tenir ou marcher.

L’interdiction en Californie et les pays du fait 17 ont interdit la production, s’avèrent que les gens se rendent compte de cette cruauté et, que leurs soit les droits commerciaux libres ou pas, nous ne voulons pas votre Foie Gras.




Dear Mr President and Officials,

The foie gras is produced by force feeding ducks or geese, confined, using massive amounts of food, via mechanized pump several times a day for three weeks. At the end of the fattening period, the livers of birds are inflated up to ten times their natural size.

The birds are then slaughtered and their livers are sold as “fatty liver”.  These conditions are conducive to considerable accidents, and the mortality rate of animals in foie gras production far exceeds that of other industries. Birds die when the tears in metal supply tube open their throats. Many birds die of internal organ injury or asphyxia when food becomes broken down in their throats and digestive tracts. Many are physically debilitated and in so much pain towards the end of forced feeding period they cannot stand or walk.

The ban in California and the country’s 17 banned productions prove that people are aware of this cruelty, and that their rights of free trade or not, do not want your foie gras.



the times are changing,
and changing fast.
the market for foie gross
is not going to last.
we do not want it,
do not sell it here.
for every animal
tortured for this product,
the world sheds many

Karen Lyons Kalmenson

21 Comments leave one →
  1. lori moak-kean permalink
    August 1, 2012 12:29 pm

    sending emails right this minute…tx for the alert. keep up the good fight for those who need our voice!


  2. lori moak-kean permalink
    August 1, 2012 12:31 pm

    just an fyi – delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

    Technical details of permanent failure:
    DNS Error: Domain name not found


    • karenlyonskalmenson permalink
      August 1, 2012 12:43 pm

      thank lori…i am about to email now


    • August 1, 2012 6:35 pm

      Thank you so much, Lori, I didn’t get a failure, but I’ll remove that address in any case. Thank you for your participation and efforts, you are the best!


  3. karenlyonskalmenson permalink
    August 1, 2012 12:43 pm

    the times are changing,
    and changing fast.
    the market for foie gross
    is not going to last.
    we do not want it,
    do not sell it here.
    for every animal
    tortured for this product,
    the world sheds many


    • August 1, 2012 6:39 pm

      I could never thank you enough for all you do and your magical words, wonderful poet. Thank you always and forever!


      • karenlyonskalmenson permalink
        August 2, 2012 2:36 pm

        you are so very welcome, stacey.

        it is an honor and a pleasure to be involved with you and what you do


    • August 2, 2012 6:28 pm

      Thats a fantastic peom Karen, Mind is i borrow it? Just for me i wont post it anywhere if you dont want, i just love your poetry!


  4. August 1, 2012 12:54 pm

    What the French do to innocent ducks & geese is INDEFENSIBLE and horrific animal ABUSE! Those who produce, sell, serve and consume FOIE GRAS will in turn get diseased livers. Karma!


  5. LUISA SELLA CHIODI permalink
    August 2, 2012 12:42 am


  6. August 2, 2012 6:33 pm

    gladly set email when are these people going to stop with the froie gras If i ate that slop and someon explained to me exactly ho it was made, that would be the very last time i wod have eaten it! Thats hat happened to me with eating mea, once someone was kind enough to explain to me how these nimals are treated how they live and how they suffer, that was it, i became a a vegitarian and when i learned about dairy and eggs nd the animals i became vegan i dont see why they cant change!Thanks as always Stacey youare the best, and i mean it!



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