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Please write to University of Queensland and protest their use of pigs in terminal experiments

June 4, 2012

Wikimedia Commons


Update from Non Human Rescue Ops and the University of Queensland’s use of animals in terminal experiments.

We have written to UQ again, it appears they have stopped using pound dogs in terminal operations, however greyhounds remain questionable. Pigs are definitely being used and its a great pity that this university feels that pigs are of less value than dogs so they are performing terminal operations on these wonderful animals and killing them like they have no purpose. Killing any animal to teach vet science is not ethical medicine. The oath of medicine is to value life and not kill any patient deliberately. We await their reasons for not teaching ethically and humanely when so many humane options are available to them and their students.

We encourage everyone to write to Glen Coleman at UQ he’s the acting head Veterinary Science Head Of School”

For more info about Non Human Rescue Ops:


Glen Coleman at UQ, the acting Veterinary Science Head Of School



Dear Mr. Coleman,

I am extremely disturbed to about the University of Queensland’s use of animals, namely pigs, in terminal experiments for research, the efficacy of which is unproven, demonstrably cost-prohibitive, and lethal, not only on non-human animals, but also on human animals. These experiments subject these sentient animals to enormous suffering and pain, and I respectfully request that you immediately cease your participation in such an unethical practice.

Since animals cannot be substituted for human beings, subjecting them to this exploitative process reflects a blatant disregard for life; how can we teach our future medical professionals ethics while enforcing a course that maims and kills live, sentient beings?  This represents a conflict of interest as well as a contradiction in both morals and actions: if non-human animals are deemed similar enough to humans physiologically, then you must acknowledge that, as sentient beings, they should not be exploited and killed either.  Any other conclusion would be considered a discord and would serve as a detriment to the learning process, especially in such a critical field of study.

Animal experimentation is unnecessary, unjustified, and unprincipled, its only function to financially benefit those who exploit animals. Animals have rights to live free from pain and suffering regardless of your objections to acknowledge such, and as long as you profit on the torture of animals, complicit in their abuse and death, I will continue campaigning on their behalf. Please use the superior alternative, non-lethal forms of experimentation instead.

Thank you for taking the time to read this important message.


pigs are pigs,
but man is
the swine,
cruel to all
his own kind:(

Karen Lyons Kalmenson

4 Comments leave one →
  1. June 4, 2012 12:34 pm

    pigs are pigs,
    but man is
    the swine,
    cruel to all
    his own kind:(


  2. linda badham permalink
    June 4, 2012 3:28 pm

    the human being is the most evil living thing on this planet ! killing torturing, abusing, causing suffering ! shame on the human race, shame on the ones who allow this and do nothing to stop it !


  3. sandra barker permalink
    June 5, 2012 8:06 am

    utter disgrace,no need for more suffering


  4. June 7, 2012 11:00 am

    Humankind should protect not torture animals. Cruel, Cruel, Barbaric.


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