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Ban the brutal festival at Nem Thuong village, Vietnam: petition, sample letter

March 21, 2012

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EXTREMELY GRAPHIC: Not recommended for sensitive viewers

1. Please click on and sign Ban the brutal festival at Nem Thuong village, Vietnam

2. Please copy and paste the below Sample Letter (or choose your own words) and send it to the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam using their contact form on their website:

3. You can also send an email to the embassy of Vietnam in your country, or to your country’s embassy in Vietnam. Email addresses can easily be found using the following online portal:


This is one Vietnamese festival that makes even non animal lovers cringe.

Every year, at a village near Hanoi, a pig is brutally chopped into two so that people can smear banknotes with its blood in the belief that it would bring luck.


To whom it may concern,

I wish to express my deep concern about animal cruelty being conducted in the name of tradition in Vietnam.

On 28th of January 2012 – like every year – citizens at Nem Thuong village have celebrated their cruel festival during which a pig is brutally chopped into two. Every year, thousands of people from the village and nearby villages gather to smear the blood of the pig on their banknotes in the belief that it would bring luck in the new year. The festival is known as the most brutal in your country and is condemned by many, including some who called already on your government to stop the festival.

No one can adequately explain why these practices are carried out year after year – except to say they are “traditional”. This however is not a valid argument to continue these practices.

I urge the Government of Vietnam to abolish the above practice for the following reasons:

1. It hurts the animals – contrary to what many believe, animals suffer tremendously before and during such festivals.

2. It hurts us – cruelty against animals harms society as a whole; it signals and normalizes insensitivity in children who can become numb to the suffering of living beings. It is also known to influence certain people to commit violence to other humans.

3. It is bad for tourism – as tourists are abhorred by such practices, the festival will have an adverse effect on tourism, an industry which provides the country with much-needed financial returns. Those foreigners who experience or come to know of this practice leave Vietnam confused and with a heavy heart, rather than uplifted by its paradoxical beauty and friendliness.

I implore you to end these violent practice and help Vietnam move towards a truly peaceful country in keeping with its international image.

I trust that you will support these measures (which are becoming more widespread around the world) and thus promote non-violent cultural practices in Vietnam. Until such a time, however, I regret that it will be necessary to boycott Vietnam both as a tourist and by way of commerce and to encourage others to participate in a boycott as well.

Yours sincerely,

this is beyond disgusting
and brutal
any attempt to justify it
is futile
a bloodlust, not tradition
an animal rendition:(

Karen Lyons Kalmenson

13 Comments leave one →
  1. karenlyonskalmenson permalink
    March 21, 2012 12:03 pm

    this is beyond disgusting
    and brutal
    any attempt to justify it
    is futile
    a bloodlust, not tradition
    an animal rendition:(


  2. March 21, 2012 12:24 pm

    Reblogged this on hand4paws.


  3. Isabelle permalink
    March 21, 2012 2:54 pm

    This is was hideous too much to bare. I saw this horrible video yesterday, and signed the petition. All night I could not stop thinking of this poor pig and what could I do to stop it. I was literally shaking for several hours from the shock of seeing this pig chopped in half and the pig’s blood spewing everywhere as the ignorant, vile, blood thirsty people laughed and cheered on. I’m so filled with grief for these animals there and everywhere. I will write a letter, email and send a fax to the embassy where I live and call. I don’t now what to say anymore on this blog except it broke my heart but I do know what I will say in my letters. Thank you for providing the info. where to send and thank you for keeping a the vigil alive for all the animals.


    • March 21, 2012 4:03 pm

      I broke after watching the video. I knew I should not have watched it, I rarely watch the videos anymore, I just cannot take it. But I watched this one and felt utterly lost and empty, like the world disappeared and all that was left was vile evil. I cannot imagine what that poor pig experienced, I wanted to vomit, scream, stomp, or hurt someone in the video. They were absolutely evilevilevil. There is no other explanation. Thank you for all you do, you made no mistakes (message below). Poor pig, I cry for him and for the others who are also subjected to such cruelty, like so many are. I hate some people.


  4. linda badham permalink
    March 21, 2012 3:12 pm

    sent email . this is vile evil and sadistic. this is a disgrace on every level and we have to end it. i can’t believe how this is allowed . this is torture which seems to be celebrated by this country. i hope they get their karma !


  5. Isabelle permalink
    March 21, 2012 3:26 pm

    Sorry for all the mistakes (mercury retrograde), I kept changing my comment and then pasted in the wrong one, still trembling from the sight of the slaughtered pig..R.I.P..


  6. March 21, 2012 4:00 pm

    Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!! I don’t give a damn what anyone says to me in this late game! I truly believe that these countries should all be blown to hell!!!!!! The sooner the better. This poor poor baby, what with a mind of a 3 year old must he or she been thinking?!? In this stage of my life I would do anytging to wipe these bastards off the face of the earth.
    They know not what compassion means, and they never will……
    I’m so sorry for my rant dear Stacey but…………
    Sharing and signing!!!!!!


    • March 21, 2012 5:51 pm

      No worries, my love, I ranted, too, it’s impossible not to. I never should have watched, but we must see with our eyes what they endure with their lives. I don’t know who said that, but it’s true. Still, I know the cruelty, I rarely watch anymore, but I did this one. I am broken from it. I agree with you.


  7. janet anderson permalink
    March 22, 2012 2:49 pm

    PLEASE…………… HORRIBLE !!!


  8. March 25, 2012 5:16 pm

    I love!!! FREE FAXING!! I just faxed the Vietnamese ambassadors about the brutal festival at Nem Thuong. E-mails rarely go through, but faxes do! Hahaha!


  9. October 20, 2012 2:36 am

    It is time to end suffering.we have the responsibility of changing this we treat animals is a mirror of dysfunction of our society


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