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Dogfighting Kingpin David Tant Up For Parole, please oppose

August 12, 2010

Please email the parole board with your own message or copy the SAMPLE LETTER below, but please modify and shorten.

Oppose Parole for David Tant HERE (all characters of sample fit in webform)

  • Offender: David Tant
  • SCDC Number: 306170
  • Zipcode: For non-US friends, please select one and associated city from HERE

Or feel free to use a distributed petition address:

Riddle Press 4555 SW Main Avenue
Beaverton, OR

From Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF)

David Tant was reportedly considered by the underground dogfighting community to be one of the top breeders of fighting pit bulls in the country. In April 2004, a land surveyor wandered onto his property and was injured by a destructive device (a booby trapped shotgun) allegedly created by Tant. Authorities searched the property and seized 47 pit bulls, many with injuries consistent with dogfighting. They found dogfighting equipment: caged treadmills, a “rape box” (designed to restrain female dogs that so that they can be forcibly bred), cattle prods, harnesses, a bear trap, homemade gun silencers, dogfighting magazines and remnants of a dogfighting ring.

The newly formed South Carolina dogfighting task force, the Attorney General’s office, the State Law Enforcement Division, and the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms were involved with the investigation. In November 2004, after two days of a jury trial, the defendant pleaded guilty to four counts of animal fighting and one count of assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison for animal fighting, 10 years in prison for creating the booby trap, and restitution of about $150,000. On July 21, 2010, six years into his 30 year sentence, Tant was granted his first parole hearing in front of three members of the seven-member parole board. He was not required to go in front of the full parole board because, shockingly, his is considered a non-violent offense. The vote was split 2-1 in favor of parole.

Because the partial board did not reach a unanimous decision, Tant will go in front of the full board on September 8. Take Action! Write a polite letter to the South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services to oppose parole for this dogfighter, who is responsible for the suffering of many innocent animals in this violent bloodsport. Use SC PPP’s online comment form to oppose parole for David Tant, SC Department of Corrections inmate # 306170. Thank you for joining ALDF in our push to make sure authorities get tough on dogfighters!

Thank you for joining ALDF in our push to make sure authorities get tough on dogfighters!

Dear Board Members,

I have learned of extremely disturbing and malicious cases of animal cruelty committed by Mr. David Tant, inmate # 306170, who has been found guilty of operating an underground dogfighting industry; I am writing to express my support of denying this inmate parole and to request he be required to face the maximum penalty to which he was sentenced, 30 years.  Mr. Tant committed deliberate and methodical torture on an innocent, sentient dogs, and as such, it is essential to recognize that Mr. Tant’s decision to inflict incredible suffering and pain on these animals was premeditated as demonstrated by the chronicle of abusive events in which he participated and the dogfighting weapons and devices that were found, including rape racks, cattle prods, gun silencer, bear trap, and a disassembled dogfighting ring.

I find it incredulous that his has been defined as a “non-violent” crime.  Please allow me to elaborate.  When I try to imagine what possible motive animal abusers entertain for subjecting their animal victims to such malicious, heinous acts of brutality, I fail, but I am thankful for a lack of cognitive understanding and rationalization. To voluntarily engage in such malicious behaviour suggests sadistic tendencies, and Mr. Tant’s actions, causing unmitigated pain and suffering, demonstrates his incontrovertible lack of morality regarding other living beings and a gross disrespect for the law. In fact, a person who shows such a remarkable lack of compassion towards non-human animals has the ability to show such indifference towards human animals. This link between animal and human abuse has been established, and if we excuse his criminal behaviour by offering a lesser punishment we only harm ourselves by unjustly nullifying cruelty as acceptable behaviour.

I, as well as global contingent of concerned people, am hoping that you will take an unyielding position against animal cruelty and hold Mr. Tant accountable by sentencing him in accordance with the maximum penalty given, 30 years in prison. If the justice system does not administer the harshest penalty available, it is indeed excusing his malicious behaviour towards sentient beings, and to excuse this type of sadistic cruelty harms all by disregarding the basic moral tenet of respecting life and appreciating the value of it. Apathy permeates throughout society and damages all, and we therefore need to teach our children that the law does not excuse, allow, or enable cruelty against human or non-human animals. We need to demonstrate in both word and action that the human essence of empathy does not exist to excuse maliciousness, it exists to provide compassion and justice to the brutalized and punishment to those who willingly deviate from this capacity. If we do not do our duty to provide this, we harm animals and invite injustice into our society.

I know your time is limited and I want to thank you for your attention and consideration.


For two additional sample messages, please click HERE but modify accordingly, thank you.

7 Comments leave one →
  1. Anonymous(USA) permalink
    August 12, 2010 3:11 pm

    This person should not be released as he has done harm to innocent dogs. I fear if he is let free he will go back to his old mentally disturbed ways. No one is safe with someone like this walking the streets. Those dogs he abused had to endure horrifying events in their lives and need the law to stand behind them.


  2. August 12, 2010 4:19 pm

    No parole. This sick bastard will just do the same thing again.


  3. Mary Nardozza permalink
    August 12, 2010 4:21 pm

    Please do not allow the Parole board to release dogfighting, David Tant. I am an animal lover and feel so sorry for these dogs that have to go thru such cruelty so the King pins can make money. We have enough suffering in the world and it has to stop. I beg you to please let him rot in jail for what he has done and will continue to do if released.
    Thanking you in advance.

    Mary Nardozza


  4. mary axson permalink
    August 23, 2010 9:27 pm



  5. September 2, 2010 10:41 am

    Do not let this man go he is and stays a criminal and will do the same again ***


  6. Sherry permalink
    September 2, 2010 12:42 pm

    Been described as non-violent??! Are you kidding me?! That was someone’s bad attempt at a bad joke, wasn’t it?! I wonder what brilliant unfeeling, unintelligent, idiot came up with the idea that what Tant did could be described as non-violent, and have anyone with a shred of a brain, fall for it!

    This is just one example of what we are talking about, when we say to let out the non-violent, non- dangerous individuals who are behind bars, and keep things like Tant who are violent and dangerous, away from society by keeping them behind bars where they absolutely belong!



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