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My So-Called “Life” …

July 2, 2010

By Marie Couglin

My story……

I cannot remember ever being allowed to be a regular kid. As soon as I reached puberty, I was repeatedly raped until I became pregnant.

While horrified from the events, I instantly obtained mothering instincts. The joys of carrying my child for the next nine months were unexplainable. Then came the most joyous day of my life, the birth of my son. He was beautiful. I kissed him on the cheek and noticed he had my eyes. Then he was gone from my life forever, taken from me against my will by the same men who raped me. I thought my life could not get any worse. It was like I was stuck in an infinite loop.

The rapes continued until I became pregnant again. Another son….as I looked into his eyes I knew he would be snatched from me, as well. And he was. This was my life for the next five years. I have four children. Three boys and a girl.

I tried to get out. I tried to fight back. To make matters worse, I found out I had many diseases. How could I? I never asked for this? I was now damaged goods. What about the people who gave me these diseases? Unfortunately the same fate awaits my daughter.

My name is Suzy and I am a dairy cow on death row. I don’t know what is worse….you eating my veal offspring or enjoying the fruits of my pain by eating cheese and milk.

This is my body! You do not own it! VEGAN….the ONLY option!


11 Comments leave one →
  1. Susan Schindler permalink
    July 4, 2010 6:22 am

    So sad that people just don’t care. They are wrapped up in their own addiction to violence and self-destruction. I care and I don’t contribute to this. I love you.


  2. sc83x permalink
    July 4, 2010 9:12 am

    very nice. and ss is right. people dont care. last night i was called neurotic by a family member. ignorance. i dont understand.


  3. July 7, 2010 3:32 pm

    How about getting upset about humans that suffer abuse? Humans like 7-year old Ethiopian “brides,” kidnapped from their homes, raped, forced to attempt to bear children before their bodies have matured enough for this trauma, then, discarded like so much useless waste when their vaginas develop fistulae that leak blood, urine & feces? Sorry people, I husband my outrages toward issues that deserve those emotions. Humans are omnivorous meat-eaters. Denial of that simple fact denies our place in the natural eco-system & injects political emotionalism into a debate that should be within the realm of scientific fact. Your logic resides within the same realm as those proponents of “intelligent design.”


    • November 26, 2010 6:25 pm

      @ Chris S. – Just because someone who cares about the abuse to nonhumans does not mean they don’t care about harms done to humans as well… We are capable of caring for MORE than one thing at a time – right?

      Furthermore… just because we can eat animals and their secretions doesn’t mean we HAVE TO. Omnivore simply means we can digest animal and plant matter — Animal nutrition is NOT superior to plant foods in any way… So if we don’t have to kill animals for “meat” why on earth should we?


  4. Stacey permalink
    July 7, 2010 3:47 pm

    Why is it that ARAs are always demanded to justify what we do? Ever been to a mall, a sporting event, a movie, watched tv, or played video games, Chris? When is the last time you commanded the masses to undertake all those human tragedies as causes? Tell me, when is the last time you demanded the cessation of entertainment, boredom, folly, commerce, or socializing so everyone could instead help all those human victims? Yeah, right, like that wouldn’t be inconvenient in between your video games and iphone adventures.

    I love self-congratulatory piousness, Chris, you give me greater reason to fight for those non-human animals you dismiss more easily than garbage: you wave your righteous indignation like a flag, heavy with emotion and condescension. You champion your LOVE of human animals through blatant admissions of condemnation of those same humans. Do you even see the hypocrisy? Only those humans who are victims of tragedy and oppression are, in your view, justifiable targets of your LOVE? What, because I haven’t been kidnapped, I am not deserving of your wealth of HUMAN compassion? While you bitch on MY site, how many children have been kidnapped and raped? While you wasted precious moments condemning us, you wasted precious moments helping those you CLAIM as deserving of those said precious moments. The sad fact here is, you don’t even recognize your utter hypocrisy and disgusting lack of compassion.

    You are a poser and a user. The fact that you think we are only capable of one or the other, at the cost of compassion, is testament to your utter arrogance, selfishness, and idiocy. Your absolutely disgusting use of human tragedies to promote an anti-animal rights philosophy is despicable! You EXPLOIT human animal victims to JUSTIFY the EXPLOITATION of NON-HUMAN ANIMAL victims. You disgust me. Your opinions don’t even deserve reconciliation. You’re a waste of bandwidth.


    • sc83x permalink
      November 30, 2011 11:56 pm

      THIS IS THE TOPS. I hope the bastard read your reply.


  5. December 2, 2010 8:50 am

    So sad……..


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  1. What if? « Our Compass
  2. The “life” of a dairy cow. « Dairy Cow Diary

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